
What if God was one of us and he saw us and he was like OMG! I can't believe you guys?

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What if God was one of us and he saw us and he was like OMG! I can't believe you guys?




  1. Would you be more specific!

  2. according to religious types god isn't a 16 year old american girl.

  3. That already happened 2000 plus years ago.

  4. Believ me, if God really were walking among us, I think that's exactly what he'd think.

  5. That way you phrased this has me on the floor laughing. I have hit a bit of green and this is so amazing. It seems so like middle school, you know. hey, but I think god is everything. Like, we are all drops in an endless ocean. God is not somehow outside the universe, god is the energy which makes up everything

  6. God became one of us in the person of Jesus Christ.

  7. well, actually it is something like that.

  8. Ahaha... that would be funny! Like omg!


  9. WTF huMaNs, I dnt gots prpr splling evn tHo i'M gOd!!!

  10. Well if he actually exits, he can see us and has already said that many times because people have it all wrong (and i don't claim to have it all right)

  11. No doubt he would find many human activities to be quite appalling.

  12. You are describing Jesus who said,

    father forgive them for they do no know what they are doing = OMG! I can't believe these guys?

  13. He was one of us. He saw us, and He loved us. He suffered, died, and lived for us. He was not shocked about us, for He made us.

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