
What if Hillary does it this time?

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If after becoming President, if Hillary has the same thing (not sexual relationship) with a white house intern, do you think Bill can take it easy?




  1. King Hillary. She'll try to get a law passed so she's King like President Washington wanted to be. Queen Billy will have the difficult job of screening potential white house aides under 21, females that like cigars. In the meantime, he'll be asking the congress to define the word "s*x".

  2. If Hillary or anyone else becomes president and wants to have some sexual encounter with anyone they are not married to, I could not care less providing they:

    Do not do it in important and Historic areas of the White House or any other government building.

    Are not subject to blackmail as a result

    Do not lie about it under oath or suborn perjury to try to cover it up.  

    That is the only stipulation I, as rock ribbed Republican request.


  3. I think there's a pool in Vegas that's putting odds on whether intern would be male or female.

  4. i dont want her to become president.....

    i want to be the FIRST AFRICAN-AMERICAN & FEMALE president

  5. Your question presupposes that someone would actually want to have s*x with her.

  6. I think we should all learn to live with less if she gets in as President. She will raise taxes because she knows how to spend our money better than we do. As for the interns, I think Bill will be on the loose then. Keep your daughters in the Page program home ladies.

  7. i think he'd wanna watch

  8. How do we know that she did not already sleep with some white house intern? She was already in office once. Like someone said if she becomes president, I will have to think about staying in the states.

  9. idk i think shell do ok..

  10. OH God can you imagine s*x with that woman hillary????

    And that my friends is why bill screws around.

  11. No he will be like"whatever but now it gives me an excuse to do it again."

    And If Hillary Is president I'm moving to Canada

  12. Hey, look that is the least of our problems if Hillary becomes President!  She is a socialist with bad ideas for our Country.  You will be paying in many ways if she has control; higher taxes, more government spending, more government involvement in your life, more problems with health care issues (especially if her plan goes through).  Her experience with foreign governments is not too good; she cozies up to the enemy and doesn't really have solutions for major problems.  She is caustic when she is in charge; listen to her past speeches with the screeching, whining and cackling that she has incorporated into whatever she has to say.  She lies when she feels it will put her ahead; she is not trustworthy and will probably follow Bill's example and give secrets to the enemy.  She might even consider a fling with an intern since she finds nothing wrong with it.  Bill will make excuses for her like she did for him.  She despises the military and will do whatever it takes to make their job harder than it already is.  She is disrespectful and downright nasty when she doesn't get her way.  Who needs a shrew to run this nation?  I sure don't!!

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