
What if I'll tell my dad and the police about man who sexually harasses me but there won't be enough evidence?

by  |  earlier

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This is my second question,so if you read my first,you know what I'm talking about.

I found those answers before very helpful so I'm asking another question because I'm really afraid of it. You see, I lived with them in Europe before so it's not that easy.




  1. You never know the man may confess on his own. You really should post in the Law Enforcement section, if you want better answers.

  2. There  are organizations that provide support, guidance and answers for your questions.  They will even stand by you in court. Here is one site.

    I used an advocate when I had to put a restraining order on an abusive, stalker type.  She knew what she was doing!    The court had not received the paperwork from the police stating the  stalker had been served with the court date so they were going to throw it out but my advocate caused a hullabaloo and talked the judge into accepting a faxed copy temporarily from the police station.  I highly recommend using an advocate!

    It does not take much proof to get a restraining order, and none for a temporary one.  A print out of the email he sent will be enough.

    If you do not take action to protect yourself you will be not only a victim, but victimizing yourself.  Take care of yourself, sweetheart, your mom can take care of herself.  I wish you serenity

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