
What if I am on my cell phone for more than 4 hrs a day,every day? Is there health problems to face?help:( ?

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For the last 2 years i have been talking on my cell phone for up to 8hrs a day. But over the summer it's been roughly 4-5 hrs a day. My head always hurts so bad but i egnore it and i see little fluffy looking black, transparent things that float.and on top of that its always near weather in my pocket or in my bra 24 hrs a day i am with it....My mom and freinds told me i could get a brian tumor if i don't chill..I'm really scared here can anyone please help?

♥ God bless




  1. actually i read an article tht said the cell phone was linked to brain cancer cause when u are talkin on the cell it emitts a low amount of radiation. and the cell phone is always held up to are heads soo... in conclusion try not to keep ur cell to close to ur head alll the time. like use speaker sometimes..

  2. They are doing studies worldwide about this problem.They are testing to see if it's a fact  that having a cellphone on your head,for hours can resort to cancer and what you having,a lot of headaches.The reason why having a cellphone on your head for that long of a time means that all  those radiation waves are going right  beside your brain.My doctor even told me to cut down talking on the phone,he said it wasn't 100% sure but they are doing a lot of tests.I have a mouth piece and a bluetooth and i use that if i am going to have a long conversation and then i just put the cellphone in my pocket.I don't think putting the cellphone in your bra would help either because if they are testing for brain cancer because the phone is near your temple,having it near your chest (breast) kinda would lead to breast cancer if they prove that brain cancer is linked to a lot of cellphone use.

    I got a small article about it if you want to read about it,they have countless options about if it is linked or if it isn't but just to be on the safer side I am just using my bluetooth.Gotta listen to the doctors orders.

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