
What if I dont dream in color?

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I don't think I dream in color, not even black and white. It is hard to explain but I don't remember seeing any colors while I dream. What does this mean?




  1. It’s not that you don’t dream in color, it’s that you don’t recall the color. Dream recall and remembrance is a talent that requires practice. Many people recall the basics of a dream, but for real details such as color, time, words, and names of places and people, this requires being able to carry much information from the subconscious to the conscious mind in very little time.  Think of it as a file transfer on your computer. While the file is being transferred you can see a few details about file names contained in the transfer window as they flash by and each part of the file transfers. It happens so fast you have to be a speed reader to catch any real names and file extensions.  It’s basically the same when remembering details of dreams. If you can stretch out the file transfer time and make it go slower you can see more. This is the time between deep sleep and when your waking. It takes practice, but can be done. It just a matter of remembering not to wake so fast.

  2. your retartded, or communist

  3. Actually, as far as i know, a lot of people dream in black and white. Especially people back in the day when then didn't have color T.V. Just like some people can taste food in their dreams and some people can't.

  4. maybe becuase your to stupid to remember the colors if you dont think about the dream like it was when you first wake up then you won't remember the exact dream and your mind will only be able to create the mental movie of that dream in the shape of the people or things in the dream

  5. thats exactly the way i am. i mean i know im dreaming something but i dont remember picturing it at all. just thinking it i guess. and theres nothing wrong with that. just a different type of dreaming.

  6. You probably do dream in color, and/or black and white, but the dream isn't clear enough for you to remember what exact color things are.

    If you didn't dream in color or black and white, you couldn't dream!  xD

    Don't worry too much; that's probably what it is.

    Good luck!

  7. no your not retarded. you probably do dream in color, it's just that you're too tired to remember if you did or not in the morning

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