
What if I dont have a dentist to call and am 4 1/2 months pregnant with severe tooth ache

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What if I dont have a dentist to call and am 4 1/2 months pregnant with severe tooth ache




  1. the health department will give you info on whom to call or go to.  Since you are pregnant the department of human services has to help you with any medical issues so give them a call.  It's nothing to mess with since there's a bun in the oven.

  2. The only recommended pain killer for pregnant women is Tylenol.  

  3. Are you on some time of Sooner Care thru DHS?  If so since your pregnant they cover that!!!!   But there is some stuff you can get at a nutrition shop called Clove Oil.  Just put a dab on your finger then rub it on your gum where the tooth hurts and it will help with the pain.  It's only like $4.00 for a bottle and it's safe.  When I was pregnant with my daughter I had horrible toothaches and ended up getting 4 pulled!  The Clove Oil halped me alot!  

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