
What if I found mr.right and then he walked out of my life?

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I were on vacation 3 weeks in Miami and I was really into this boy we had a story i've never met a boy like that he is everything i've always waited for...and before I left he burst in tears told me he loved me and didn't want me to leave...i cryed too we keept in touch for some weeks like he wrote me messages like "u mean the world to me" and all his friends told me he said that he never felt like that with a girl before and when he was with me they told me he was different,really smiling and happy,really in love.Then suddenly when he came back at home he didn't talked to me anymore he told me he would have talked to me but he never did it...i would like to know wt...happened?! from that day i can't sleep or either eat i'm always thinking of what happened for him to stop to talk to me...and i'm sure he doesen't have another gf cause i know him he was so shy..i tried also to wrote him sometimes but he didn't answer...what do you think?! should i write to him again? or should i set him free?help




  1. you already asked this

    grow up..

  2. He obviously doesn't feel the same way.  Here's how you know a guy really wants to be with you:  HE DOESN'T LET GO.  No matter what.  If you move, he writes/emails/texts/calls every day.  He won't give up.  If a guy stops talking to you, he doesn't want you anymore.  Sorry, but its true.

  3. obviously he isnt mr.right cuz if he was he would've never left

  4. I agree with Olivia.I answered your other question though.

  5. if he was Mr.Right

    he wouldn't have

    walked out on you

  6. If he was mr right he wouldnt have left in the first place.

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