
What if I said I finally accepted creation?

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They should teach creation in American Public schools. What do you think? I say we teach that Ptah created the world.

: )

Deist with a B.A. in Anthropology Archaeology.

Evolution is a scientific theory and a fact.




  1. Why not? America is already mocked by most of the civilized world for the ignorance of its leaders. Might as well keep our streak going and elect people who don't think Global Warming is man-made.

    Gee, what if Sarah Palin is wrong and it WAS man-made. Then we all die.

    Oh, sorry.

  2. if you did it may be a form of senile dementia.

  3. I'd say you finally saw the light.... but, instead, I'll just mourn your mocking in darkness.

  4. A B.A.?

    Those come with breakfast cereals.

  5. We don't want to open Pandora's box

    Lets just leave Creationism in the philosophy classes

  6. Or the Gospel of the FSM! Teach them that.

  7. I would welcome you with open arms my long lost brother in Christ.

  8. They need to teach the obvious fact that the nine worlds were crafted from the giant Ymir's body.

  9. I would know that the angels in Heaven are rejoicing and I too would rejoice that your eyes, ears and heart were finally open to truth found only in Jesus Christ and God's Holy Word......But instead I am so sorry for you that you mock your Lord and Savior whom you know not.

  10. I would say you never understood the facts.

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