
What if I told you I go on Y!A while I'm pooping?

by  |  earlier

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oh, the joy of wireless internet and laptops!




  1. well i go on Y!A while im skinning it back

  2. lady that's disgusting  

  3. i p**p on your shoes.

    me and triumph the dog.

  4. LMBO  

  5. No one wants to hear about you and your f***s issues and if they do then well I guess you guys should just sing songs about it over a campfire! :P

  6. coooooool p**p lol

  7. In all honesty, I'd have to tell you that you wouldn't be the first one ~ SURPRISE!!!!

    Peace & Love  :)

  8. I'd laugh and wonder what other websites you had open at that time xD

  9. TMI

  10. ha i take my laptop all over my house so ppl never know were im at or what in doing lol

    oppion pls

  11. I am OH, SO PROUD of you!

  12. lmao, youre not the only one out there; many people don't admit it :P

  13. wow heyy you gotta go sometime right

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