
What if Iran did nuke Isreal?

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Should we respond? It would no doubt start another war if we did.




  1. Their would be no Iran left, because Israel would strike them back with what they have left and the United States would finish the job.

    Its MAD i tell yah...Mutually Assured Destruction.  

  2. If this action can be prevented from happening, it should taken care of, by taking out Iran’s nuclear facilities. What good does saying, ”we debated this after the fact ?.” Too late is not great especially when your talking about nuclear weapons in a campaign  of a religious jihad.

  3. No, no and a  billion trillion times no. Please no more nuke this and nuke that, life's too short. Ever thought ot peace? I agree it would start World War three or at least an international war dragging every bloody person on the face of this earth into it. Killing people isn't my hobby, sorry. I'm sick of war mongers. I only wish for peace.

  4. We better hope that never happens. If it does the whole world will respond. And your question about responding...If We responded, We would start another war??? How about the Iranians who would do the nuking???  They are the ones that would start the war...We would be defending ourselves.  

  5. ya would should respond. they're all a bunch of nut cases in Iran

  6. The entire world is ******.

    Plain and simple

    The only response to a nuclear attack is another nuclear attack.

  7. I doubt we'd be the first ones to nuke iran, and we shouldnt, its a mid-eastern thing jews vs. arabs, or at least thats what the world is being sold, and israel pretty much has the most advanced military in the region, including nukes for everyone :

    theres something called the "samson option" the israelis would draw in that moment, which pretty much means first strike big time, theyd pretty much use their 150-200 "secret" nukes to carpet the earths "hostile states" with nukes, which they can do, ironically israel is right in the middle of everything, they can cruise missile their warheads to japan one way and California they other way, south africa and norway, catch my drift here? only safe place would be hawaii, or israel.......

    but since the iranians dont have nuclear weapons yet its all not worth discussing, at least until they find all the documents from the shah regime (70s) back when we were working on makin iran a nuclear state to have someone there against russia,

    so y'all sleep tight kiddos ;-)

  8. Iran will not nuke Israel.  Iran is a strong Islamic country and the most sacred Mosque is on the temple mound in Jerusalem.  If Iran did nuke 'em,  the whole Muslim world would be seriously pissed

  9. That's about as likely as Norway nuking the USA. Iran has no nukes, no way to deliver them, no reason to attack Israel, and thousands of US and Israeli nuclear warhead reasons not to attack Israel. Not to mention Iran hasn't attacked another nation since the nineteenth century, it's the USA and Israel that constantly attack other nations, not Iran. Look it up.

  10. Then we would basically have to nuke Iran, Hiroshima style.

  11. Since America and Israel are the ones doing the saber rattling and are the ones who are already armed with nuclear weapons it’s not exactly likely that Iran will attack Israel. Especially since the Zionist Jews of America have so much power they would retaliate by bringing the USA into the war.

    The question you should be asking is will the main aggressor USA - with Israel in the back seat - attack Iran with nuclear weapons?

    Possibly the Pakistani card will make them think twice about doing that because Pakistan could also enter into this conflict on Iran’s side using its own nuclear weapons.

  12. if Iran did nuke Isreal, it would have to be with USA or Israeli nukes.


    dont fall for Neo-con war mongering,

  13. You should go and live in 1962 if you're still stupid enough to think of a nuclear war.

  14. All of the same people that are mad about the thought of Israel or the US striking Iran's Nuke facilities would be saying "why didn't the US do anything to stop Iran?"  

  15. Where's your mind?

    The only country commiting crimes of violence at this point is the U.S.

    Should we allow such a country to possess nucleur weapons?  They've used them before.

    If you think Iran's going to nuke Israel, you better pay more attention to your mind.  You sound like a warmonger.

    I'm very intrigued as to how the Americans will vote in their next federal election.  It's going to tell the world where their minds are at.  Are they really as paranoid as they've shown over the past few years, or are they actually changing?

    The whole world's watching and will respond accordingly.

  16. a war would be started if that wouldn't matter if we joined them or now.  WWIII would be started!  Of course we would respond....I would hope we had the guts to help the world and not sit on our hands and wait for OUR TURN!  

    Nuclear war?  Do you even understand what that is?  If no one would be very sad indeed.  THAT is an act of war on the WORLD...not just Israel!

  17. It would be full out war for about one hour! Everyone would press the button for the ICBMs to where they are aimed! The world has people that are sitting in small holes drinking loads of coffee listening to every remark and every order from their pertaining governments shaking to death above the big red button! When you have a gun to your head and know you will be shot, what would you do? I would fire back. End of story! With this question we are not talking about flying over and dropping turds and blowing up buildings, we are talking about blowing up nations. It is not a matter of if we should, but praying that we won't.

  18. the Israelis will beat them to the punch, believe me.

  19. If Obama is president. Is would go talk with and ask them not to do it again or else he will complain to the UN,You dont expect him to anything else.  

  20. Ever watch the movie "War Games"? Nobody wins, we all die.

  21. they would nuke them back oil would get expensive countrys to there west would be screwed with some fallout

  22. Are you crazy if that little man syndrom nukes Israel, U.S. will destro Iran after they have warned Iran many times to stop enrichment.  Iran will get the fate that they begging for.  U.S will "wipe" Iran off the map as they should if Iran even dares to nuke Isreal.  I am not from Isreal, I don't have anything against or favorable toward Isreal or Iran, but if that little man syndrom tries to nuke Isreal,  the U.S and any country should bash the living h**l out of that little man (president)

  23. Its simple i don't think Iran would create nuclear weapons, why?

    Because Iran is a Muslim country and its against Islam to create weapons of mass destruction, why?

    Because if a nuclear bomb exploded it will not know the difference between civilians and soldiers, and its against Islam to kill an innocent soul (civilians that have nothing to do with the war).

    Besides we have an important Mosque in Jerusalem(Masjid Al Aqsa). Believe me when i say all Muslims would be pissed if its gone.

    And if Iran nuked Israel and it retaliated i would kiss the world good bye cause my country is just south Iran :)

  24. 1)Iran nukes israel

    2)israel nukes iran

    result: most of middle-east gone.

    There would be no need to respond. Almost everyone would be dead.

  25. isreal would own iran

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