
What if King George II had more power?

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In the events leading up to the First World War, if King George had been more of an absolute monarch, as the tzar, would that have made more of a difference leading up to the treaties and events that sparked the war in the first place?

I know that the tzarina was a German princess and I believe a grand daughter of Queen Victoria. And, that the most of the heads of state of the major countries were first all cousins.

If the old queen had lived longer, given that the Kaiser held her in such high esteem, would it have been possible for her to have personally voided this war with her little white-gloved hand, given her nature for command and control in family and country?




  1. He might have wanted to call up cousin Wilhelm and said to him "you know that Bismark guy.....keep him" since I doubt that if the Kasier would not have dismissed Bismark when he did the WWI would not have happened, or at least not have happened the way it did.

    I know, Bismark died before war broke out, but he was always trying ti isolate France diplomatically by maintaining good relations with other powers on the continent (Italy, Austra, Russia) he never would have allowed Russia to become and allie of France thus Germany would have been facing a two front war which was what they ultimately faced.

    However, I do believe that war would have came no matter what in some form. History was running its we have seen it do in the past under similar circumstances: an old failing age was dying and choking on it's last bit of fuel and a new age was begining to break through of nationalism, communism, and depression.

  2. Don't know what George II has to do with WW1 as His reign ended in 1760!

    I imagine that you mean George V.  The Heads of State of most of Europe may have been related to Queen Victoria but it is a little simplistic to think that they alone made such monumental decisions rather than their governments.

  3. Surely all conjecture now ?.......royalty have always been rather partial to the odd war or two, it would have been unlikely to have altered the course of events at all .

  4. Can't change history

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