
What if McCain picked Hillery for v.p.?

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If both discussed their politics and came to an agreeable even balance, and she agreed to be his v.p.would that help




  1. Yes please.  If he is so enamored with her and thinks her such an asset, he should invite her to his ticket.

    McCain/Clinton 08

  2. Then we'd know McCain is really a lib in sheep's clothing. Especially since he can die any second... He'd leave us with that?

    75.29 years is what most male Americans live to.

  3. well shes democratic and he's republican. so they would clash and have arguements cause they two completely different views. i don't think he would do that, he'd lose a lot of voters.

  4. Hey  'names Mudd'... we all can die any second, eventually we all will, no one knows who will die first, it is not nice to say things about someone else, Karma is a strange thing....think, before you speak. (write)

  5. What if? Then maybe I'd consider voting for him.  

  6. im sorry but he wont they are not the same parties

  7. I would vote for him just to p**s off the left and right!

  8. Hmmm - what a great concept!  But I'm sure that won't happen. just on account of politics being what they are.

    Mind you, it has worked to a great advantage.  The  Dem governor of Montana chose a Repub as his running mate and they won by a landslide. Both are very popular in that state.

  9. Just because they aren't the same party doesn't mean anything. If McCain picks Hillary, it would just show how spiteful he could be. I srongly doubt that would be the outcome.

  10. Fat change of that happening.

    Fantasy land, they don't even agree on the same things.

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