
What if McCain was the black candidate and Obama was the old one?

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How would the election change? the popular vote?




  1. McCain would have it hands down; no change at all

  2. If everything else was the same, I would still be voting for John McCain.

  3. the election would change because they might not be the same people they are now. being born in the thirties 30s like McCain was he obviously grew up in a different society than Obama who was born in the 60s (i think).  but if you mean if "What if McCain was the black candidate and Obama was the old one?" and still had the same beliefs then I wouldn't care at all.  i would still vote for Obama.  it would probably effect the vote quite a bit but we'll never really know

  4. i'd probably still like the one with a brain.

    you know, the one that knows that Pakistan is not next to Iran.

    and knows how many houses he has.

    and knows something about economics.

    oh yes, and picks a vice president who has a clue about what the function of vice president is.

    and doesn't think creationism should be taught in high school.

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