
What if Robert Mugabe was removed from power by force ...Lethal if necessary?

by  |  earlier

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Another Sadam Husein (spelling?) or an old man who's ideals for his country have been ill-advised and devestatingly destructfull,..... why did domeone who started so strongly in favour of his beloved land end up destroying it and his people??




  1. mmm, is  mugababy holding the west to ransome over wmd's oops  i meant oil and minerals?

  2. It's the same old story... Power Corrupts

    In his case that holds true, but also age plays a part.  You can't get an old lion to change its spots esp. if he is convinced he's in God's league.

    He needs to be pressured to step down, though those who think they know him best believe he needs a way to gracefully leave & save face, since he did alter Britains Colonial rule, even if it was at the cost of murdering farmers, though not necessarily non-racist farmers.

    I suspect that even if Pressure from the African Union or the UN force him to step down, Zimbabwean's will have to contend with his Generals, the ZANU-PF party, & the War Veterans who are in it up to there arm pits regarding the violence & murders against those who support the MDC opposition party who legitmately defeated Mugabe in the 1st election.

    The pressure must continue, we don't want another Rwanda on the worlds conscience!  Mugabe has to go!

    EDIT:  Now that the world is invited to China for the Olympics, the leaders have the ears of the regime, so they can also politely, but firmly request CHINA to apply pressure to Mugabe, since CHINA has major trading deals with Zimbabwe.

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