
What if Russia would still not withdraw its troops from Georgia and would also try to attack poland?

by Guest32332  |  earlier

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What if Russia would still not withdraw its troops from Georgia and would also try to attack poland?




  1. And what if Russia launched nuclear missiles at Germany? And what if they nailed Britain with a giant laser from outer space?

    Hypotheticals are pointless. I highly doubt Russia would attack Poland.

  2. Poland is a NATO ally, so world war 3 would begin and if it didn't go nuclear by some miracle the Russian forces would be beaten back in some of the most vicious fighting the world has ever seen.  If it goes nuclear, humanity can kiss it's *** goodbye.

    Chenga is an idiot.  The US would meet it's obligations under the NATO treaty.  We still have plenty of soldiers, aircraft and tanks in reserve.  Plus our Navy is always ready to act.

  3. Well, since the US army is up to its armpits in c**p in Iraq and Afghanistan, we would probably do NOTHING.  Russia would say, "You go into our back yard.  We go into yours."

  4. Just let it be.

  5. The Russians are not that stupid. They are typical leftists, all mouth.

  6. World War III, maybe? You can follow the story at They summarize the major news stories for you. Here's a link to their world page:

  7. Yes they would!  As well as Latvia, Lituania, Ukraine, Belarus and all them other "break away from Communism" countries. They'd all have to worry!! Those old KGB agents are in charge of Russia now. Putin is pulling all of the strings.  

  8. First of all, Russia is not going to withdraw its troops from Ossetia until

    the Georgians stop trying to do ethnic cleansing in the area ( shelling a town of 15,000 people into rubble counts as that, by the way).  Poland has always been a country that the Western Europeans and the Russians divided unfortunately.  It is like a particle in high energy physics--it blinks in and out of material world and energetic world but it will always be there whereever "there" is.  I think the line in the sand  for Russia is the Baltic States- Estonia, Lithuania,Latvia -which are also NATO wanna bees and any attempt to arm them with sophisticated weapons will provoke a response.  Russia can control the Poles by withholding oil.

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