
What if a family member won the lottery?

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What if a family member won the lottery? My second cousin won the $35 millon dollar jackpot he was the youngest and the very first in the area and his first time playing and only played one ticked. My question is how do you go about asking for some money if he doesn't know of you .Im his mother first cousin on my dad side his grandfather is my dad twin brother...would i be wrong to ask for his new found blessed wealth...or should i wait and hope and pray that they (other family memebers that is helping w/ his account) extend their bleesing this way.we have a big family so i do know how i would fall in line to their blessing? I've spoken to his mom my cousin when she caled my mothers house and talked to me and my sister and congradulated them on their winnings but did't ask for any money.although i wanted to asked. i know there are other family members that are asking for money so i didn't want to intrude on them that way,being that i don't speak to them often? Would i be wrong to ask?




  1. If you asked me for money as a second cousin, who I didn't know of I'd write you a check and get you all excited.  The problem is that the check would be for 1 dollar.  On the memo line it'd say..... p**s off.

  2. Okay this pisses me off, You and other family members shouldnt ask for his money, thats his money and only his money. He doesnt know you, and why should he acknowledge you all of a sudden. You and your family members shouldnt quit your day job. That is so selfish, i wish if i hit the lottery for millions and someone i didnt know before got the money all of a sudden wants to talk to me i will say hi nice to meet you and walk away.

    Leave him alone and act like you did before. (Like you didnt know him)

  3. yeah that would be rude to ask and probably seem greedy to him. He dosent even know you but when you find out he has millions you all of a sudden wana talk. If you are in need of money then maybe he could hear that through other family members and offer you some money.

  4. If you need money badly then you should just ask for it. If you don't ask and everyone else is getting some then you can blame yourself for not asking. There's nothing wrong with asking for money, but the timing has to be right, and the purpose righteous.

    If I won that much I would spread 30% to friends and family, invest 30%, keep 30% as cash in the bank, and spend 10% on traveling first class all over the world.

  5. Instead of thinking of him as free money why not be a good cousin and help him find a firm that can properly invest his lottery win? He probably has a lot on his mind and being pressured for money by all his relatives might push him in a downward spiral that causes him to lose his windfall.

  6. If you have had little or no involvement with your cousin before the lottery win, then it would be in bad taste to ask for money now.

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