
What if a kid in the Army or Marines wants to have s*x or some touchy feely with a girl before going to war?

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There's a good chance he'll die so before he goes off to war to die, this may very well be his last chance. And even if he goes to a better place called Heaven after he dies, what if he can't have s*x in Heaven? If not, then he'll have missed out on his one and only shot at doing it here Earth. Even though some people still think that defending a country with gas at $4 a is still worth it for some reason, what if this kid is a virgin and worse yet, never had any touchy feely with a girl before and now he's about to go off to war and die?

What about the women on the base? Can't he bunk with one of them? This may be his last chance, afterall...




  1. One of the dumbest questions I have ever read here...thanks..I cannot stop laughing.

  2. I used a story  line like that in the Vietnam days 8 times and it worked 7 of those times.  It turned out I had already scored with one of them so saying that I was a virgin didn't really work out.  .  

    Seriously, since this is an all volunteer military, he should have taken care of business beforehand.  

  3. Wtf dude you have a better chance of dieing in America then IRAQ

  4. In fact, the chance that he will die in the US military is extremely remote, but if he does, he won't be going to heaven if he's a fornicator.  

    By the way, we have the cheapest gas in the Western World; what does the price of gas have to do with defending your country?  Grow up.

  5. whoa not talking about a hypothetical situation are we, if "he" wants to before hand thats his choice but as for doing so while in deployment if caught he would be dishonorably discharged

  6. Find a girl, and if she's cute, let her touch your p***s.

  7. wow... this is hilarious... someones a little desperate...

  8. you sound like you need s*x

  9. no it's not wrong but he at least has to be sneaky and sweet-talk the girl. there's a certain way to go about everything

  10. it's her duty as an american to give him some action

    it's the least she can do

  11. s*x really is not that important.  

  12. Your name says it all

  13. ya......go down and hire hooker if ur that desprate.....its not that importante and there not a good chance of dieing in any war....less than 5% of personal that serve in a war die.....

  14. Not on base.  He need to find a s***k at one of the local bars and hit it like he can't quit it!!!!

  15. OKAY...I was thinking that maybe he should have some satisfaction, but then your last add at that he's a maggot, so that means that maybe he should from someone OTHER THAN YOU!!

    Why did you ask then, if you don't really care?!

  16. Then he may go and get touchy with a women beforehand if he desires. It IS also possible to do so in the military, but since there's considerably less women competition might be a lot more fierce.

    Anyway, the chances are he will come out of the war alive; the vast majority of soldiers do. Look at the statistics, you'll see what I mean.

  17. Is this even an actual question?

    Chances are if he needs to get laid, he will get laid. Females are going to war and need to get laid before they go over too.

    Females also have sexual needs and desires.    

  18. well i kind of do not understand the question

    but i think that if he wants to then he should go for it,

    but i do not think that he can have s*x with other people in the military

  19. lol oh ok if you are that desperate ^^ shouldn't be a problem

  20. ...are you just ventin? we'll if not. yeah i guess so but it should be with someone he cares about. it's okay to feel this, it might just be an adrenaline rush. it's okay to do it, but use protection and promise to your self that you'll come back to her and talk to her. I mean what happens if he dies in war and leaves a woman pregnate and all alone?  

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