
What if a male is still single at 31 & not have any success in a career yet? Is this common or not really?

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What can you do?? Are there anyone like that here? What advice do you have for this person??




  1. A second can change life of millions , u r no exception. work hard may be tommarrow is ur day. don't give so much importance to those issues which u can hardly control.may be there is something much better waiting for u in store.

  2. It is not common.Before 30 many boys get married.An odd case   may be there.

  3. Make a positive attitude and select perfect field according to your interest in, dedicate yourself for work, you definitely succeeded and enjoy your work.

  4. It all depends as to how you react to your present.Taking a positive view YOU are saved from a wife.If you are earnig enough to make both ends meet thank God & forget the rest.Enjoy your self.Being at the top is avery unstable position.Take with both hands what  is given to U

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