
What if a relative was killed in a car accident, and u know who did it, and yet the law did nothing to that?

by  |  earlier

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Driver, what would u Do?




  1. i will report the police

    if didnt happen

    i will afd7hom in e3lam and try to make it as hard as i can kadyet ra2y 3am

    if all the above choices didnt make anything

    and its avery very very hard accident then VENDETTA

    lol :D

  2. the driver should be sued .

    if he is innocent , he has to go  without any  demands on him.

    if he is guilty , he has to pay for his deed .

    the money they want to pay is FIDYA .

    it is accepted in Islam .

    the Saudi girl who killed several men in a car accident downtown paid 100 , 000 LE to each family . and she was acquited .

    weigh the matter  in this light .

    dont have a complex , dont refuse to drive .

    just drive carefully .

    rabina ma3aki .

  3. I think u r in the same country where the one who was the reason for killing hundrends of Egyptians in the red sea got his innocence (iam talking about Mamdouh Ismail the owner of the famous ship Alsalam 98).

  4. if it was an accident, then a civilized person needs to grieve but avoid revenge. doing anything to the other driver outside of the justice system is barbaric.

    in a civilized society, you let the law take care of it, and if they do nothing, then nothing can be done.

    i don't know what you'll do in the arab world...

  5. I'll report him to the police.

  6. OMG, as if u r asking this question for what happened with my Grandpa -Allah yer7amo-.

    The killer took him dead to the hospital n called us then when my dad n my uncle went there the police officer told them that the killer is a famous one (ragel wasel) and he couldn't do anything to him and also told them its better to take money from him (ta3weed 3an geddo) coz he is "masnood" man.

    As a driver: i wanted to learn driving but i couldn't till now coz of that accident and always tell my brother not to drive in hig speeds.


    BTW. the case is still on for 3 years now n the killer wants to give us 20.000 L.E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Well if you had any hard evidence then you could sue or give that to the police. If it was an accident then that is a different story but if it was intentional then you have a case.

  8. u have to report him cause as he\she kill your relative he\she can kill anyone else go let him\her take what they deserve

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