
What if a young child asks that his name be changed?

by  |  earlier

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How would you react if your young child (boy aged 5) told you he didn't like his first name, and wanted it changed to one he liked? Would you oblige him and get it legally changed?




  1. I would ask first why he didn't like his first name and what he would want to change it to. Depending on his answer, I'd try not to laugh. Then I'd probably recommend waiting a while (maybe till he's 18) and then he could change it himself. Then we could use the alternate name as a nickname. Though honestly, I'm not sure how I'd react.

  2. No way hes 5 will you let him borrow the car to if he ask? just get a certificate from a hobby shop and you and him make up a secrite name change that only you two know about make it fun amd myisterious i know it works for 4 year olds.

  3. Leave it alone, it will pass.

  4. if the name is rather ridiculous and is affecting his social life, then yea, but otherwise he can always choose a nickname he could go by instead, and not mess with the real first name

  5. Who's the adult and who's the child. I wouldn't let a 5 yr old decide his name. He may want to change it in a few years. Then are you going to let him change it again!

  6. I dont really could make the name that he wants and call it a nickname.

  7. I also didn't like my name when I was was slightly unusual and some kids did tease.  However, when I became a teenager, and now, I like the fact that it is different.  I think you and your son would regret if you changed it.  A nickname would be okay, but I think he should go by his real name...and maybe you could try to teach him to be proud of it.  

  8. ummmm say noo

  9. I wouldn't get the name legally changed at that age. Odds are (unless his first name is really terrible, or just doesn't suit him at all) he will change his mind eventually. If not, he can make the decision when he's older.

    What I would do, is say, "Okay, from now on you're XXXX," and call him that. Maybe even ask the rest of the family to call him that. There's no reason to legally change the name, when he can go by whatever name he wants.

    Odds are good that eventually he'll decide he wants to go by his old name again (though he might go through a few others first). If not, then you can just use his "new name" as a nickname.

    Have you asked him yet why he wants to change his name? You might learn a lot by asking. Maybe it's something that can be fixed without changing his name at all.

  10. No his only 5.

    But do what i did when my mom was 5 too he ask why all his cousins had "nick names" and not him " so me and his father gave him the choose to have any nick name he wanted. and he did funny but he choosed Berry so we nick named our 2 year old Cran.

  11. I would tell him that  he can make that choice when he is an adult.

  12. YES, you should change his name. That is a terrible name and I feel so bad for him. Both names are bad get a new name so he doesnt feel so out of place. Why would his parents want to do that to him??? They are only making his life harder. They sound VERY foreign.

  13. no way! he is a 5 year old he needs to suck it up and live with the name he has, if he really doesnt like it figure out a nickname for him... when he is 18 if he still hates his name he can change it... whats the name anyway??

  14. the kid is 5!  he's gonna ask you odd questions for the next 25+ years.  relax and don't read too much into them.  let him go by whatever name he chooses -it's his name.

  15. It seems like he is a little young to get his name changed. Maybe there is an underlying problem like that his peers tease him about his name. You should see if you can talk to him about WHY he doesn't like his name.

    Is there a middle name or a nickname he could go by instead?

    One thing I've heard though is that it's a lot cheaper to change a name legally before you turn 18. I believe my cousin-in-law was able to change his (mixed-up-at-the-hospital-middle-names) for free before he was 18. But my husband would like to change his name now (also a hospital middle name mix up) and it will cost at least $100. So that's something to check on in your state. Maybe wait 5-10 years and if your son still hates his name, then change it.

    Good luck!

  16. I would explain to him what made you choose that name and what you like about it maybe he might change his name???

  17. I would ask him if someone had been teasing him about his name.  Parents like to give their children names that are unusual, unique and special to the parents, but all too often those names sound just plain weird to other kids and there is teasing.  At five, kids want to get along with their peers.

    When my son was little I called him Jamie because of his Scots ancestry, when he hit kindergarten he was teased about that being a 'girl's name' and insisted on being called Jimmy, in high school he went by Jim, now as an adult he goes by James.  If there is a middle name or a nickname he will accept, I would use that, but I would not get it legally changed.  His name may be a better fit for him later.

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