
What if an evil person (pretending to be a holy one) gives a blessing?

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0 LIKES UnLike that the same one as when they told Jesus there were people using His name to cast out demons & Jesus said it's ok??




  1. The power of the blessing does not stemm from the GIVER, but the God/deity that the blessing calls upon.

    The question is whether or not YOU believe in the blessing and want to accept it.

    The blessing will not magically turn EVIL just because the wrong person says it.  Who says it, doesn't change the words, it is the words and the receipients belief in those words that matters.

    If I say may "May God bless you", and you accept those words, but later find out I am a murderer, it doesn't suddenly mean that the "May God bless you" magically turns into "May God Damm you to h**l" -- because I don't have the power to make God do either one.  -- God has the power to bless you and you have the power to accept his blessing -- so who says it has no barring.

    NOW,  I understand your point entirely, no one like insincerity, and a bad person giving a blessing seems insincere.  It's like a racist participating in an equal rights demonstration... it seems at the very least insincere, at the very worst hypocritical.

    But don't worry, you weren't given an evil blessing.

  2. Blessings are blessings, no matter from whom. If a supposedly wickrd person does a good, does it become wicked?  Same way otherwise. The act is more important than the actor. God bless everyione...

  3. you would be blessed by a false prophet. And Jesus stated to beware of false prophets. It easy to debunk a true person of good faith, and someone who is false.

  4. it would be nothing. A blessing in the name of God would not be a blessing at all if the person is not in good standing with God.

    Check out Acts 19 or somewhere in there. There is a good story about a group of guys who try to cast a demon out of a man by using a blessing and commanding him out in the name of Jesus who Paul taught about.

    The demon replies, "I know Jesus, and I know Paul, but who are you?" Then the demon just beats the c**p out of the three of them, strips them naked and sends them out into the street and keeps possession over the guy.

    Did I answer your question? Maybe not, but I like that story.

  5. I would believe that any God or Gods who you were attempting to get attention (via their blessing) would be aware of this situation and still send a blessing down upon you. Thus the reason that people don't do this is few people wish to bless their enemies.

    From a pure psychological perspective if you never knew any better you would never doubt the blessing and always carry the confidence and piece of mind that hopefully a  blessing of your faith would inspire in you.

  6. i dont think that an evil person could fake a real blessing but they might put a curse and say its a blessing this assumes that the evil person has actual power and knowledge. Also even if he person is overall evil they maybe doing a real blessing for some reason pure evil and pure good are rare most is mixed

  7. Sounds like the biblical description of the Anti-Christ to me.

  8. A blessing is still a blessing.  It's even possible to give one accidentally.  In the Bible, a blind father (I think it was Jacob) accidentally blessed the wrong son, because he was pretending to be the other one, and the blessing stuck.

  9. Well Denie  blessing is a blessing no matter who it comes from. Besides evil is a matter of opinion and perseption. I think there are very few really evil people and when I say that I am talking about the Charles Manson's and Ted Bundy's of the world.

    I am considered evil in my neighborhood but the funny thing about that is I stay to my self do not bother anyone and have never been arrested or in jail while those who call me evil are druggies, thieves, criminals, women beaters, violent people who have shot and stabbed people but I am the evil one according to them so much so they feel they have to warn everyone about the mean old man.

    Even you one time said  something similar simply because I am Wiccan.;...

    You and they are free to think and believe what you want but you all are wrong.

    What makes a person evil is what they do to their fellow man. Wicca is not evil and who is evil us who live with harm to none or those who claim to be Christian that persecute us and do us harm? Is a Christian good because they say they are Christian while telling me I am evil but yet they are threatening to kill me? this has happened to me. I have never harmed anyone while I have been harmed by those who say I am evil.

    Besides shouldn't this be asked in the R& S section?

    I have no animosity toward those who say I am evil but that word gets thrown around way too much.

    I was a christian but a different Christian than my dad and he tried to break my arm because I was not his type of Christian and I have never harmed him but he said I was evil and demon possessed. Personally I do not think much of that word because people like to use it when they do not like someone.



    The R&SChristians do not know much about spells even when they cast them, but  when a question is directed at Wiccans and Pagans they are very knowledgable.

  10. As I have stated before, in my opinion the power of the blessing/spell lies with the receiving person, not the one giving it out.  The effectiveness of the blessing/spell rests solely on the recipient's belief in the power of the person administering, not in his evil/good status.

  11. A blessing In christ is always a blessing. The religion christian have 10% of people who truly believe in god. A blessing is a blessing They may not have blessed you through christ, but they did bless you with their spirit. I am not christian, nor am i catholic, luthern or any of those religions. i believe in the father, son and holy spirit, one thing i have learned is our spirit always cries out to him. if someone blesses us it does not matter if they are good or evil, if they bless you in the name of christ you are blessed. WITH THAT IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST I DECLARE YOU BLESSED IN THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD.

  12. You will be blessed with the same results..."nothing"

  13. No, I agree that a blessing done by evil people who don't practice what they preach really isn't a blessing at all.

    BUT... were you praying alone? If it's in church, for example, and it's preacher/pastor whose evil and asked a blessing, but the people in the church are asking with thier hearts as well, doesn't that count too? God hears everybody. Preachers and pastors are special sure, but God blesses everyone who asks with a pure heart. Which would include everyone in the congregation.

    If that makes sense.

  14. The blessing is intended to mislead the person. Nothing good will come out of it.

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