
What if an evil space alien took over, demanding...?

by  |  earlier

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one of three must be destroyed; what should go?

In other words, if you were put in charge of destroying one of the following three on pain of death, what would you choose to kill?

A. all the answers on Yahoo Answers

B. all the questions on Yahoo Answers

C. Yahoo Answers Administration (sorry, no personal bones with you if you are reading this)

Please state your reason(s) if you are in no great hurry.

nota bene: Even if you choose C., you shall not be penalised by being banned from YA although there is no guarantee this will not happen.




  1. C. They nuke too many questions and answers and accounts for no reason.

  2. C! They have dumb rules,and that should all be changed.

  3. I would turn the admins over to the aliens because I am sure they would want to know why they have worked so hard to stifle inventive thought and usually only promote the secularist mindset.

    I pick C and they can hang on it because three times in the last week they have truncated answers so they could delete them as not being answers or questions.

    We'll see how long this post lasts!

  4. A. all answers on yahoo.

  5. I don't know how I would achieve killing any of those things so I'd have to choose D. Run and Hide.

  6. I would opt for D., the Y!A violation policy and its implementation.

  7. Im not afraid of no evil alien..

  8. A. All of the answers on Yahoo Answers

    There are three kinds of answerers here; the kind that know what they're talking about, the people who think they know what they're talking about, and the vast majority who just like to talk. :P

    Questions are something to ponder over.... Something to make us think...

    And, well, yeah, not saying C is politically correct. :P

  9. Well, since Yahoo is on the bargaining table to begin with, and Microsoft is wanting to purchase the company for a lot less money...........

    And you combine all the glitches, breathers, upgrades and so forth from BOTH companies...........

    Chances are, you won't even have to worry about Yahoo Answers, period.

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