
What if anything can I add to baked chicken to add a little flavor with out all the extra fat or calories?

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I'm going to serve the chicken with sante fe style rice with beans. Could I add salsa? Would that dinner combination work?




  1. yes, salsa would work, or just season it with a bit of chili powder, garlic, onion, salt, and pepprr.

  2. lime juice makes chicken awesome.

    Salsa would also work. You can serve it with beans and rice or corn and black bean salad.

  3. Paprika and/or soy sauce!! It's great. Garlic and onion powder too. Don't forget salt and pepper (not too much salt if you use soy)

  4. Before you bake your chicken make a rub of your favourite herbs and coat the chicken before you bake it.

    There's a machine you can buy from tv (ya, I never thought I'd say this) that has a cylinder in which you put the chicken and liquid marinate.  Then you suck the air out (create a vaccuum) and let it marinate for about 10  minutes before baking.  This is supposed to season chicken well.  You can use your favourite teriyaki sauce or liquid marinate or a home made combination of herbs.  I've heard this (stupid machine) is actually fair at infusing flavour.

  5. Remove the skin to reduce the fat content, after cooking for flavour.

    Thyme, sage, & rosemary, are good spices with chicken.

    You can also brush with a herbed salad dressing.

  6. Sure.  A fresh salsa would be perfect.  Or, just add some fresh chopped cilantro on top.  Chili powder, garlic & cumin would work on the chicken when you're baking it too

  7. Herbs & spices i.e garlic  

  8. Instead of using Salsa - because of the price, get a can of diced tomatoes seasoned with garlic and onion, or chili peppers.  Bake the chicken in this, and then reduce the sauce to pour over the chicken when you're ready to serve.

    Instead of $3 or $4 for a small jar of salsa, you can spend $2 on 2 cans of the tomatoes and get the same effect.

  9. If you want something that will compliment baked chicken mexican style, go for a mango salsa or something else tropical and a little spicy.  

    I make that quite a bit, and it is FANTASTIC.

  10. Easy Salsa Baked Chicken

    1 medium sized chicken breast

    1 tsp taco seasoning

    1/4 cup salsa

    1/4 cup shredded, lowfat cheddar cheese

    Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

    Place chicken in a lightly sprayed baking dish. Sprinkle taco seasoning on both sides of chicken breast and spoon the salsa evenly over all.

    Bake at 375 for 25-35 minutes or until chicken is tender and juicy and its juices run clear.

    Sprinkle evenly with cheese and bake an additional 3-5 minutes.



    1 small chicken cut up, bone-in, skin removed

    1 jar (any kind) salsa (Newman's pineapple is a good)

    Preheat oven to 350.

    Newman's Pineapple Salsa is a good choice for this recipe.

    Arrange cut-up chicken in a baking dish. Pour salsa over the chicken to cover, as much as you want. Cover with foil.

    Bake for about 1 hour, removing foil during the last 10 minutes.

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