
What if at convention the supers change their minds and decide to nominate Clinton instead? ?

by  |  earlier

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How would you feel? Would you be in shock?




  1. The supers want to win the election.  They won't nominate Hillary no matter how PMS she gets.

  2. There is no way I can imagine that happening Biden is such a great VP choice they are going to want to support them both.

  3. That would be horible.  Obama deservs to be president not hilary.  Hes the best man for the job.  No more hilary.  

  4. That would destroy the Democratic party. I'd feel divided, I personally like Hillary, more than I should as a socialist, but anything that helps Republicans is also bad in my book.

    It's fair to say Rove's plan worked to perfection

  5. Why would they go against the wishes of the masses?  

  6. It would be the smartest thing they could do, but the Dem's want to make sure they lose another election, so they can cry for the next 4 yrs about how bad the Republicans are.   ***

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