
What if everyone starts to live naked?

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Near future we are facing a water-resource problem.......

within another 50 years there won't be any Petroleum on (known) oil-wells.

Already we have a food-resource problem too...

Therefore before there is going to be a textile-resource problem we should start to live a naked lifestyle.

How do you think everyone in your office working without any clothe?




  1. I would have to turn to anti-depressants because of the view of life I would have to face everyday(not my own nakedness, but others.)

    Not all bodies are created equal and shouldn't be on display to cause harmful eye sours.

  2. I find this funny,  the earth is deterioating as is the moral structure of practically every country on earth you might have a point. But then again this is comical and I have to laugh.

  3. A lot of folks would freeze to death.

  4. People in the north would freeze to death people in the south would be making their own gravy and a whole bunch of people will be committing suicide.

  5. That is so funny. only the truth and nothing but the truth. Can you see the naked truth now? wow what a sight.

  6. With the way things are going already, we will be there sooner than you know it.  This world has lost it's sense of morality.

  7. It would require some planning and realistically would not be for everybody but could be generally beneficial in many ways.  We could cut down on the A/C, use less water, less detergent in the rivers and streams and get more vitamin D too.  Actually this is only a beginning; the  benefits would be almost endless for those who could make the transition.

  8. We'd have a lot more babies.

  9. Cool - as long as they don't sit in my chair.

  10. i think by the time we get to that, we'll be wearing some type of metal armor costume with oxygen masks

  11. If we run out of textiles we'll go back to wearing animal skins.  However, i do not think it is going to happen.  they're always saying we are going to run out of this or that, but we never do.

  12. coldly

  13. I think the world would be a happier place. Clothing enables people to judge other people. Everyone is on the same level when nude. I think that if some people started living naked, slowly but surely the clothes start to disappear. People would slowly start to accept it. Eventually people would see other people's flaws then realize flaws are common and that flaws are nothing to be ashamed of. Laws would change, nudity would be normal. Until finally, the only reason why you would wear clothes is to keep warm when the weather calls for it.

  14. Back to fig leaves, grass skirts and animal skins. Not such a terrible prospect.

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