
What if get shot and die of it. Wouldn't you think the shooter had a BIG influence on your destiny. If no, why

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What if get shot and die of it. Wouldn't you think the shooter had a BIG influence on your destiny. If no, why




  1. If you believe in destiny than no, if it was destined for you to be shot, then the shooter( lets just say its a male, no particular reason just for convenience) is not the influence merely a messenger.  Destiny is tricky business, if you were destined to be shot by that particular shooter they are still not the influence, because its not really he who is 'shooting' you, it would be considered as the controller of destiny who is shooting you and he is merely a vessel to carry out the act, he is no more in control of his actions since it is destiny that controls him as well.

  2. If you get shot and die of it, BUT had a chance to prevent it and didn't, would YOU have had CONTROL over your own destiny?

    What if destiny was merely the presentation of the situation of someone TRYING to shoot you and allow you to have control over the outcome of that scenario?

  3. What happens to you in this physical life beyond your choosing is not a factor in the spirit life. I you fail to choose God over self nothing matters, life will end when death over takes you, your name will be wiped from all records, you will be as though you never were.

    If you do not make a choice and you loose your life before the age of 21 you will awake in what is known as the Mansion World Resection Hall. You will live  just as you were in you physical life, there is no change except you will have a Morantia Form. You will be exactly as you were before Death over took you. You will Have the same chance to choose God over self, the results will be of your choosing as it is in the physical life. When you reach the age of 21 as in this world and have not chosen God Death will over take you and as before it will be the same.

    The Mortal life destiny is for the ones who choose life not death.

  4. I think I know what you are saying.  Destiny is what it is though.  I mean the shooter would have control over you, but there is nothing you can do about it.  So he is a big influence if you die.  But if you live, the shooter wouldn't have control over you anymore because you can still do what you want.  Confusing, I know.

  5. I agree with Vince M. Destiny would already be. You would have to not believe in destiny to believe the shooter has an influence. Destiny can't be influenced.

  6. I don't think you understand what destiny means.  If there WAS such a thing as a destined fate, then destiny would be what influences the shooter, not the other way around.

    In other words, if I was destined to be shot, then a shooter would be inevitable.

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