
What if global warming kills most animals on the planet, including humans? Won't you feel stupid?

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What if global warming kills most animals on the planet, including humans? Won't you feel stupid?




  1. I already feel stupid because humans dont give a **** about they are destroying the only place where they live and when many of them finally figure out " we are destroying the earth with our stupidity" It will be too late

  2. Well if you feel like you must make a impact...maybe you should euthanize the 90 million cats and 74 million dogs in America.After all they contribute nothing to the well being of the environment.Live stock on the other hand has a environmental purpose....Talk about stupid.

  3. Nah cos a big meteorite's gonna hit the earth blow it up etc not enough time to feel stupid.. i beleive in reincarnation too soo..

  4. No, but Glenn Beck will....   oh, wait a minnit, he already feels stupid BECAUSE HE IS!  

    (he proudly proclaimed that he has an IQ of 90 "and look what I've achieved!")

  5. I'd be dead, I don't imagine I'd feel anything.  Once we are dead life on the planet will go on as if we never happened.  Not too much to feel stupid about, eh?

  6. Many people are still getting over feeling stupid for stockpiling food, water, and gas from the Y2K crisis that was going to kill man.

  7. its like people don't seem to care because everyone's still driving their big, evil, planet destroying hummers and getting plastic bags at the grocery store and not recycling.

    And everyone should feel stupid for that.

  8. Then can everyone on the cost move in with you?

  9. youre stupid,  You know NOTHING about the past extinction events obviously, because they dont compare to this.   Second, if humans survived the toba eruption and subsequent nuclear winter, Im absolutley sure we have enough innovative spirit to withstand ANYTHING with our current technology.  You are just an ignorant person running around with their arms flailing in the air, screaming.  You need to do more research on what causes mass extinctions....  

    you know... million year long volcanic eruptions... mt. everest sized rocks hitting the earth.. that kind of stuff.   This doesnt compare.  At all.

  10. well, yes. That's what everyone would say/feel.

  11. of course, but does it seem thta we care, lol only when it happens lolol

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