
What if gravity was not downwards but upwards?

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imagine a world (or imagine our world) with gravity acting upwards not downwards ....................then a ball that will go up will never come down ..........!!!!!!




  1. then we won't need rockets and aeroplanes any more.

  2. That implies matter repels other matter meaning that the planet would never have accreted in the first place and the universe would be a uniform and boring place full of dust.

  3. Yeah we would all die because we would float up and burn in the atmosphere and life would cease to exist.

  4. Well, think of it this way. When you jump from the ground you have a hard time getting in the air. Think of the oppisite of that which is if you're in the air you have a hard time getting down. So, if you threw a ball you wouldn't be able to get it because it wouldn't come down and it would instead be going in the air.

  5. then the earth would have never existed in the first place because the debris that made the earth would have repelled each other.

  6. If the world were that way, then gravity itself would be odd.

  7. We would be walking on air!!!!

  8. all we need to do is switch the definition of up and down.

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