
What if history wasnt orrect for the same reason, no one knows why?

by  |  earlier

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they(themselves)want to hear about it,?




  1. this question is meaningless

  2. Why should you concern yourself with the past for the present to have a future?  Past is time gone by, present is ever unfolding and future is never certain.  If present is ever unfolding then how could there be future?  Every second have millisecond, and every thought have Cita or instance of thought.  So there can't be future to worry about.  Past is moments lost which no one can do anything about, and every second spent is moment spent.

    If every moment spent and moment is ever unfolding, there is no present to worry about so there is no Present. No Past, Present and Future.  Always be mindful, aware, conscious in the steps you make and its relations i affecting others in the process.  This is Theory of Relativity not originally thought of Eisenstein, but rather it is a Buddhist concept.   What is wrong is also an opportunity to do better, and every misfortune is a fortunate chance to transcend.

  3. "History is written by the victors."

    Which is, I guess, knowing why.

  4. What exactly are your trying to say? I must be totally stupid because I don't have the foggiest notion of what concept you are trying to express. Sheesh!

  5. bias seems to have a gravity of its own in all historical writings.

  6. why is it that people always want to BLAME religion.  When in reality it is those that are in power that do the harm to mankind and the historical facts.  It is easy to see, even today that he who is in power, destroys the history of his predecessor for his own glory.   History has been and will be rewritten by those that have the means to re-write it.

    It is not going to change, what one must do is read a great deal from all sides, not just one, gleam a bit here, find the underlying truth and follow the thread throughout historical facts and then, do the best you can and draw a conclusion that either seems the most correct to you or is the correct to you and go from there.  

    Even we as members of families rewrite our history, as we grow older, we leave out important facts we don't think we want other to know about us or our families, we add things that never happened, we falsify our position and we continue this in our own families, our work, with our friends and so on.

    But....still there is that golden line of truth, and it will always finds its way through the woven story of our lives.

  7. May not have ever happened..the way the books say....

    we were never on the moon either....

    The Bible...who knows?!?!?

  8. oh my god stop asking this question.

  9. Possibly much of history isn't correct.  History is what the power elites say it is.  The voiceless, the defeated do not write history.  Only modern technology has allowed this historical model to change to allow dissenting voices or alternative voices to be heard.

  10. There is a parallel history that is the real history.....but religious official controlled everything and burnt many books that did not agree with their political version

  11. OMG. Like if history wasn't correct then we'd still be sitting here trying to think of cute hypothetical questions that make little sense.

  12. History is written by the winners!! BTW... I still have no idea what you're trying to ask.

  13. Maybe it wouldn't matter.  On some level, we all know that we exist one moment at a time, Here and Now.  God knows, I didn't invent this concept; some of you know that it's been around forever!   We create the past (those things we think happened) and the future (those things that haven't happened yet, but we have certain expectations...) from present time.  Basically, if our perceptions of the past are incorrect, we can only experience the past from Now anyway.  Have a nice day!

  14. history can never be 100 per cent correct, same reason why if there's an accident and several witnesses may give several different possibilities for what and why happened.

    one witness may be influenced by another, another by what they expected must have happened. it's relative. truth is somewhere in the middle.

  15. History is written by the WINNERS and/or SURVIVORS and they have usually told it from their perspective only.

  16. It would mean that we were have to rewrite all the historybooks;)

  17. God is mysterious

  18. Some history we know: Viet Nam war.

    WW11 war was real and 200,000 Jews were exterminated.

    WW1 did happened.

    And go back and it's all real, it's been recorded.

  19. Recorded history is always (and cannot be otherwise) an interpretation of events. Cultural and political biases exist in any history because the events are viewed through the eyes, and recorded by, people who have those biases. (Of course they may not even be aware that they have those biases).

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