
What if hitler won WWII?

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no seriously, what would the world be like right now? not that i'm in any way a supporter of him or his terrible ethics, i actually loathe him and the n**i party, but as i have an interest in world politics, i would like to know.




  1. I think there's too many variables in that equasion to give a straight out answer to that

    specially taking into account that by the end of his life hitler was loosing more and more of his marbles.

    we'll never know  what his opponents would have done after hitlers victory

    one thing is certain we would not have the current Israel situation.

  2. tank for one hitler could have definitly won ww2 and for two there would definitly be a shortage a jews homosexuals gyspies and stuff like that. now if germany were to win they would have had a GOOD economy due to all of the land that they took they also would have had some really good military tech seriously, here are some inventions of the n***s, v2 rocket, mp44 (world's first assault rifle), first major use of the airborne, the jet, murdered heart transplants, blitzkreig, infared scopes... should i say anymore, all america invented was the a-bomb which is currently starting wars, britain invented the radar, and japan defined guerilla warfare for the 20th century

  3.    Most likely, we would have been involved in a cold war with Germany, Britian would be a vassal state to a German-dominated Europe, and the USSR would not exist. What's more interesting to speculate is, would n**i success led to Americans hanging on to institutional racism longer, or would we have moved towards civil rights more quickly as a backlash against the "Ubermenchen"? Impossible to say.

       There are a couple of fictional books out there you might want to check out. "SS GB" is about the occupation of England. "In the Presence of my Enemy" is set in our own time, but where Germany had indeed conquered most of the world. While its primarily a tale of jewish survival, it gives some plausible looks at how things might have played out.

       And no, Americans most likely would not have been speaking German as a first language. But German in school as a second language would have been more common, and businessmen and diplomats would have needed German to function in world affairs. Lucky for us that didnt end up happening.

  4. First of all, in reality and in many aspects, Hitler won the war. Members of the Association of American Airmen Rescued by General Mihailovic are, unfortunately, dying of old age. General Mihailovic himself was "convicted" of "cooperating with n**i Germany", as other heroic Serbs are "charged" with "war crimes". The US of today is as anti Serb as... you know which country in WW2 (In order to avoid being reported, I don't mention the name of that country). Members of Islamic pro n**i movements, or their descendants or descendants of their followers, rule an Islamic state in BiH. A military division of soldiers trained to abuse prisoners, by the name of Handjar (like the Waffen SS division wbaring this name) exists too. And I can carry on describing this thesis.

    However, had Hitler won WW2, I guess at some stage or another, Europe would rebell against him and his regime.

  5. seriously he would rule the world

  6. i agree with perfectlybaked....they took yer jerb

    cept i think obama is better then George Mccain Bush (john mcain)

  7. namesaresostupid, you need to work a bit more on  your german.

    as for the question, it was impossible for the germans to win the war from the beginning

  8. Ich kann nicht sagen, was wuerde sicher passieren haben. Obwohl denke ich dass es ein sehr, sehr anderes Welt sein wuerde. Koennen Sie sich vorstellen? Undenkbar!

  9. well wed prolly be totally screwed and and his great grandson wud treat all of like slaves

    and yea it be h**l

  10. wed all be typing in German right now

  11. As a Jew, I can only guess I either would never have been born, or I would have died in a death camp.

  12. Hope fully south and north america would save us????

  13. You are asking about how the world would be if evil had won over good?

    We'll know in a few years when China is the most powerful country.

    America can't fund its military because all of the money is going toward welfare and illegitimate child births. I'm not being a hater. These are true statistics. While we kiss the butt of citizens who don't work, China laughs at us and builds their military to twice the size of our's.

    We are in so much trouble.

    I'm planning on building my own nation, and we will not harbor people who live off of us and do nothing in return for their country. That's maniacal.

    America is like a gorgeous mansion someone built, and others came and partied in it and trashed it up after the builder passed away. This is true. I'm a minority and I get into the circle of things and know things others don't know. I also know that voting Obama is insanity to the extreme.

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