
What if i can't swim and i have to for gym class? What do I do?

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Don't say just turn in a note because my gym teacher is making me do it. What do I wear since I can't swim, floating devices, what? WIll she grade me differently since I can't swim? I just want to cry I am so nervous everyone will think I am such a loser, I can't swim. I don't want to be embarassed, please help. I feel so nervous and embarassed, i want to just sob.




  1. tell your gym teacher your problem. be open and honest. she may just think you are trying to get out of gym class. make a request for her to play along that you have a medical ailment that makes you unable to swim so that no one questions you. if it doesn't work, a parent's note to the principal can get you out of about anything in school.

  2. tell her that you cant swim and then just try to learn how to.

  3. Learn how to swim. I hope she doesn't grade you down because of it. let your teacher know and maybe she will help you so that you will be ok in the class. Don't be nervous there are tons of people that don't know how to swim.

  4. You have no idea how lucky you are. Where I live, there's not a school in the entire county that has a pool. If there's any indoor pools at all in this county, they're privately owned. There's no motel, gym, or any public facility with an indoor pool.

    As an adult, the one thing that I would love to be able to do is learn to swim. Last summer I went to sign up for swimming lessons, but all the classes were for kids. You have an opportunity to learn something that will last you a lifetime. School is for learning, and if your school has a pool, then it should be up to the school system to teach you. Hey, I have a college degree, but that doesn't stop me from being overweight and out of shape. I would love to be in you position. So what if it's embarrassing. Everyone has embarrassing moments, but you can learn from them.

    As for your "teacher", if she treats you differently, then she's not doing her job. If she's not teaching, then maybe the school system can find someone else who can.

  5. I've had this problem before, too. I told my gym teacher that i wasn't a good swimmer. She said that was ok, and that i could stay in the shallow end. If you're really uncomfortable in the water, you should take a swimming class to learn the basic strokes (i did!). Good luck, and don't worry about it so much!! You'll be fine. (oh, and about three other people in my class couldn't swim, either)

  6. In our school, they have these floaty things.  Use them when youre in the deep end, but just stay in the shallow end in the meantime. Usually the teacher will let you stay after school and practice, and swimming is easy to learn.  Good luck :D

  7. you poor thing. i can't swim even to this day.

    firstly, have you spoken to your parents about this? do they support you? they could personally visit the teacher to discuss options. perhaps they could take you to the local pool a few times a week and teach you the basics, such as floating and a basic freestyle stroke?

    you could make your parents say that you have an infectious disease and it would be a danger to the other students if you shared the same water. or you could say that swimming and wearing a swimsuit is against your religious/cultural beliefs. obviously you will have to research to back up your excuse.

    i skipped every single swimming class the last year that i took Physical Education as a subject. My mum wrote me a note saying i couldnt swim due to medical reasons indefinitely. they tried to get me to swim but i refused.

    i think the best bet is to talk to your parents and come up with a plan of action. i can understand being completely mortified at the thought of wearing floatation devices when everyone else will be swimming. and we all know how cruel teenagers can be.

    good luck!

  8. well this would be a good chance for you to learn. make sure that the teacher knows that you can't swim and if the teacher actually cares about their job they'll just make sure you stay in the shallow end. it's about 3-4 feet deep so you would have no chance in drowning and you could practice the basics of swimming. she shouldn't grade you any differently as long as you try your best and make some kind of improvement. and maybe you will learn how to swim. hope your teacher gives you some slack.

  9. Relax. There are lots of people like you that don't know how to swim. Use the time in gym class to learn how to swim. Don't worry, you can take swimming lessons at a local YMCA or get private lessons.

  10. Your gym teacher should not be able to give you a bad grade, because you don't know how to swim. I would suggest learning, though, because swimming is lots of fun, good exercise, and a good thing to know in general.

  11. exactly what jessie b says also maybe you could go swimming out of school so you can learn  good luck

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