
What if i see a faint line on a first response preg test?

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are they known for evap lines? it is faint but then again, i really shouldnt test until the 5th (just really excited) lol. but has anyone had a prob with evap lines on these?




  1. I stopped using those simply because its too hard to tell what the lines are ! I've switched to clear blue digital and that way its in bold print, either PREGNANT or NOT PREGNANT! Takes all the guess work out of it. The very first time i tried clear blue i got my BFP!!  

  2. that happened to me so i went to the doctor to get a blood test and i was pregnant

  3. Yes this could mean you are pregnant. But take another test in a few days to confirm.

  4. nope your preg, iv just answered a similar question see if you can find it... same thing happened to me, on all the negative tests i ever got... which were a lot in 5 years, i never got evap lines, when i got my BFP it looked like an evap line but nope, i was definately preg!!! if your not sure give it 48 hours and retest, the line should appear slightly darker!

    oooo good luck, these stories make me really happy!xx

  5. if the line is visible, faint or obvious, then most likely you are pregnant. yes, I had a faint line and was pregnant! With the tests they have now a days it shows up very quick, but always have a doctor confirm! Until then it's only 99%, then it's only until after the doc confirms you will know 100%

  6. any line with first response is good..

    i had a very very very faint line, but it was pinkish, and had blood work done the same day.. the blood work came back negative, under 5.. but a couple days later a digital read pregnant.. i ended up losing that baby but none the less the first response picked it up at under 5...

    most woman only have 2 or less in their system but some as much as 5 that is why my dr. thought i wasn't pregnant, but i was..

    wish i would have kept taking the progesterone, i might be pregnant now if i would have...

    pray for me, i'm so trying to have a baby...

    good luck!

  7. I think first response are the most reliable tests out there.  If you see a positive and it was within the recommended time frame to read the test, then congratulations!!

  8. your prob pregant - do another first thing in the morning as if you are then the hormone level doubles every day

    if you have had a miscarriage or abortion recently then the hormone can still be in your system for a few months

    if the line came up within the time limits your pregnant evaporation lines tend to appear if test left over the time limit


  9. im in exactly the same position ive tested to early but can see a very faint pink line its hardly visible at first, i tried another test tho and cant see anything  

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