
What if im haveing a baby but still want to work full time!!!?

by  |  earlier

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baby on the way




  1. Hire a nanny.

    But make sure you get to spend time with your baby, too.

  2. hey.. u have to legally take 3 months at least off work before u can work again... as day nursery's dont accept them before 3 months, also it is for ur's and ur baby's wellbeing! i wouldnt though.. think of how much u'll miss if ur baby is in daycare all the time.. first smile, first giggle etc... it'll break ur heart if ur daycare provider says to u, she giggled today n u weren't there to see it.. u r entitled to a year and my advice to u would be too take it.. ur job will still be there when u get back as they do legally have to hold ur job for u n get maternity cover...

    once ur baby arrives u will think differently!  

  3. do you mean you want to work fulltime when your pregnant or when the baby is here?

    if you mean while your pregnant then go ahead as long as the pregnancy isnt high risk or anything then you will be fine you will be a bit tired I still worked fulltime until 37 weeks with my DD on my feet all day, I was exhausted but I still did it.

    If youi mean after the baby is here, sorry but I would reconsider that babys are hard work and they are only small for such a short time, you dont want to miss it, he/she will be doing all these new things while your at work slaving away, its just not worth it, but its your choice, you would have to get a nanny to bring up your child, can you work partime because thats what I do and it works out great, shes with my family and hubby of course while im at work



  5. Start looking  for a good daycare now.  Most have a LONG waiting list.  Usually 6-9 months.  Most will start taking your child at 6 weeks old.  So, when your child is 6 weeks old you go to work full time and put your child in daycare during the day.

  6. Get a baby-sitter/nanny.

    However, still spend time with the baby after maternity leave(at least take 2 wks. off to care for the little thing). Don't worry too too much.

  7. Put the baby in daycare when it's old enough.  My daughter started daycare at 6 weeks.

  8. Hire a nanny.

  9. Do it..  Plenty of people do.. Research good daycares I guess..  Better to work fulltime than not and go w/ out, or worse welfare LOL.

    Wow what's w/ people saying not to go back to work??  Not everyone can afford not too..  This just burns my butt..  As if you are less of a mother b/c you choose to provide for your family. Jeesh...

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