
What if it is not true?

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Why are we learning and reading about discoveries from anothers persons view instead of having to learn it hands on from our personal view? Ex: you read about how molecules react from a scientists point of view, and you never get the chance to see it yourself so you end up being forced to beleive him/her by applying it on an exam. So why can't we discover things ourselves, thus we can see things from our unique personal view and discover something better?




  1. Because you need to understand the process, procedures, biological background and the foundation of biology so 1 day if you wanted to you could make your own discovery or repeat what they did (and see for yourself and interpret it in your own way)... and you don't HAVE to believe their point of view... just remember it for the exam =)

    If you have a better biological understanding of discoveries made in the past don't you think it would help you make further discoveries in the future... Its not always about what they find... its more to do with the principle :)

    If students like us didnt have to study biology and past findings of experiments and discoveries then as time goes by the next generation would not pay attention to old studies instead spend thier time on doing it again... It would be better though if these old studies were used to make NEW discoveries to further our knowlege on science instead of repeating the past.

    Hope This Helps =)

  2. Then it`s a lie.

  3. The simplest answer to this question is that if we had to rediscover everything all over again with each person (albeit if guided by someone), there would be little to no time to make the next major leaps.  Just because someone teaches you about a scientific principle such as chemical bonding, does not mean you can change that belief or prove it wrong.

    A perfect example to this are the thoughts on life.  Many biologists believed that life spontaneously generates.  They based this conclusion on the formation of maggots in meat left lying around.  However, this principle was proved wrong by a person performing the study with meat in a pail, with one pail being covered with mesh.  The maggots did not form on the meat in the pail with mesh.  They formed on top.

  4. As Lord NightWynde said, there's simply not enough time to experience everything. Schools try to give you that personal experience through labs but even they only begin to skim the surface.

    Another reason is the lack of resources. Some of the things you learn about require very expensive equipment to discover. If they discover the Higgs Boson it'll happen in the multi-billion dollar large halon collider. I could hardly expect to experience the Higgs Boson myself without owning an LHC.

    A third reason is that you lack the understanding to repeat these experiments. There are a lot of experiments where I can appreciate the results but I certainly lack the know how to carry them out myself.

    Lastly, a lot of experiments are boring. Some conclusions can take years and years of repetitive data to reach. I, personally, would just like the result rather than having to do ten years of data myself.

    If you really want a better understanding of experiments you can read scientific journals. They go through the process and the results so you can get an appreciation for what's going on.

  5. Where will you start your discovery ?

    Consider research as a puzzle, more you know more closer you get... If you know its wrong, you can improve

    if you are right still you can ...

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