
What if its not wrong, what if i miss my one chance to be happy? He's 28 and im nearly 15?

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Im 15 in December, and Ive been talking online to this guy who is 28. A few weeks ago my dad commit suicide, and my died a few years ago. He has been the only one who has been there for me in this time, i wouldn't of been able to do it without him.

I know that the age gap is wrong, but we have discussed meeting up and we see each other as girlfriend-boyfriend but he said he would want to wait for anything sexual so I know thats not what its about.

Theres no way i could think of not talking to him anymore, he means so much to me. We've talked for over a year and he is completely genuine ive seen him on webcam and talked on the phone.

Am i being stupid taking the risk meeting him? What if this is the one time this sort of age gap could work

He is the only one who makes me feel good about myself, I know he would never do anything bad to me ever.

Has anyone done anything like this before?




  1. No, you shouldn't meet up with this guy.

    Are you joking? He could be sweet talking to you to get what he wants.

    You're 14. You have your whole life ahead of you to find happiness.

  2. if he is truly a great guy then he will be willing to wait til you are 18. be advised he is probably lieing to you and he is most likely married with kids or something.


  3. Don't meet him.Please don't.There are so many men out there who want to hurt young girls.He's a stranger and you don't really know him.


    He is a predator!!

    No grown man is in love with or wants a 14 year old GIRL to be is girlfriend.

    He is taking advantage of your emotions.

    Please don't put yourself it that position.

    You have PLENTY of time to meet your "one true love" ...

    Please Please don't meet this man.

  5. Wtfff. That's just nasty. Wayyy too big of an age difference. Ewww. Your like hardly even a teenager. What is wrong with someonnne your own age? And find someone NOT off the internet.

  6. Your very young to be talking to someone aged 28 online. It is very dangerous. If your going to meet him take a friend with you and do it in a very public place. Im so sorry about your Dad. xxxx

  7. ARE YOU CRAZY?!?!?!?!?!

    DO not meet him!!!!

    first of al you are 15 and he is 28!!!

    and scond of all you hear about things like this allll the time....

    something bad can happen, and you don't know what he is actually like in person,


  8. Do NOT meet him! He may say he won't hurt you but you don't know that. He could be some 40 year old man, don't take the risk with your life.

  9. i WOULD NOT meet him hes twice your age, I mean its just wrong. why dont you not just tstay freinds? BUT if you WANT to meet him i would take a freind or an adult with you.

    good luck either way!

  10. Do not be stupid. He is a pervert and has something wrong with him if he is interested in you. You are young and have your whole life ahead of you to find someone appropriate.

    WAKE UP!

  11. Umm what he is doing is called grooming you. He's making you feel really good about yourself and him. He's 12 years older. You are a minor. If you guys have s*x then he's going to the big house because you are not even near the age of consent. What are you risking by going... YOUR LIFE!

  12. You're ONLY 15.  This will NOT be your ONLY chance to be happy.  Therefore, YES you would be making a foolish mistake to risk trying to meet with a 28yo.

  13. He is a pervert-most likely verging on pedophilia!!

    You need to concentrate on other things like finishing school. It is so much more important than hooking up with anyone, no matter their age. This is your life, think long and hard about what will happen if you make decisions that obviously involve your future!!

    You only live once!

  14. no louise dont do it you can get rapped and killed dont meet him you will find love someday trust me but this is a bad choice.

  15. well i would not meet up with the guy because in this day and time you really cant trust ANYBODY not even family so this guy might be a serial rapist for all you know i say definitely not

  16. umm sweetie guys will say anything like he did bout waiting for s*x but i wouldnt do it i understand he makes you happy but theres some one else out there for you to make you happy not just him. i dont trust it with this guy when i read this i got a weird feelin

  17. are soooo young and believe will have plenty of chances to be happy.  Slow down.  Meeting him is a risk and if you do, don't be surprised that he's expecting s*x, because he is.  Maybe not this particular time, but soon!  He knows what he's doing and he's counting you NOT knowing what he's doing!

  18. why dont you guys continue to be friends over the internet and phone then when you are 18 and he is 31 then see if he's still something you want but keep in mind that when your 25 he's going to be 38 and when your 40 he will be 53.

  19. Are you crazy??? Sure he says he's 25 for all you know he could be 56. Oh and all that c**p about being there for you please! He's just tryiong to get in your brain and it's working! Watever you do DO NOT meet him!

  20. i think it is a bit foolish. these are the stories we hear every day about children and teens being kidnapped. people lie all the time. I know he was there when you were going through emotional problems but thats what people do in this world just so you will trust them.

  21. He's a predator and wants one thing from you.  It's not normal for a 28 year old man to be interested in a 15 year old girl.  Something is very wrong with him.  Don't be naive.  Stop communication ASAP and hang out with people your own age.

  22. If you are going to meet him wait until you are 18 years old and meet him in a public place. I have nothing aginst age but be careful!

  23. Please, please, please do NOT go and see him. If anything did happen to you that would be terrible for everyone left in your life. I know you believe he would never hurt you, but in all the stories about predators, the victims say they were really nice. Of course they are they want you to come meet him! Do not go.

  24. No u should not date him thats more than 10 years older than you. He is too old for you . You two need to find people yur own age. he could say he will wait but end up raping you. U should never meet up with people online. Thats stupid and not responsible.

  25. He is a predator.

  26. Sorry but it sounds like a really bad situation. I really advise against meeting him. Please don't!

  27. are you serious? dont you read  or watch the news? this is how young girls go missing or get taken advantage of all the time. dont be so dumb

  28. God you are so naive. This man has NO common interests with you, you are a small child. He's an adult. He only wants what is in between your legs.

  29. Don't meet up with him. Guys like that are all sweetness and lies over e-mail, yet in reality all he wants to do is sleep with you.

    He could be genuine, but I really doubt it. As long as he doesn't have your address, you'll be fine.

    Don't you have any friends you you know in person that you could talk with instead?

  30. please don't meet him!!! he could say he will wait but he could just be saying that to get you to meet him!! I wouldn't meet him! you'll be risking your life! a 28 year old talking to a 14 year old just doesn't seem right!!

  31. dont see him it your too young even though u feel everything is wright hes 28 talking to a 14 yr old you dont think something is up with that? If you were 28 would u talk to a 14 boy? yah to odd. there is ALWAYS something...

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