
What if mcdonalds was the only food left on earth?

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What if mcdonalds was the only food left on earth?




  1. I get their salad... w/o the dressing or bacon or junk... and then a mcflurry..  I would be SO SIck of it really soon..

  2. i would eat it, mc donalds isnt too bad if you dont eat fast food all the time.

  3. Eat salad and yogurt...unless you want love handles, then eat everything else.  And by the way please watch the documentary movie 'Super Size Me' and you will see what happens to a person that only eats McDonalds!!!

  4. We would all die young.

  5. Then we'll all have shorter lives.

  6. we'd be fat...wait the world already is.

  7. Whats your question?  Would I eat it? Of course. I eat it now. Best frys on the planet.

  8. You still could make somewhat of a healthy meal.

    Salads with lowfat dressing

    Fruit, yogurt, granola

    Waters, diet drinks, juice

    Apples--with or without caramel

    the list goes on...and all the burgers for protein, etc..

  9. I would eat it. I'd be a fat person. I love their chicken sandwhich and fries. Yum!!

  10. We'd be fat, but it wouldn't be considered fat because we would all be fat(lol)...and I guess i would eat all the salads and yes i can't lie...the fries...

  11. umm. will be reallyy fat

    andd alot of people dont like mcdonalds so they find another foodd

  12. i would have to like... eat it i guess but it doesn't bother me they have amazing fries but we would get rly fat and plus if they still have stuff to make mcdonalds we would be able to make non fating food like that to eat

  13. First thought:  We would all die.

    There's no nutrients in it or anything...I'd eat it if I had to, but eventually you would get sick :/

  14. I would still eat it

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