
What if my cricket world cup 2011 tickets are stolen?

by  |  11 years, 2 month(s) ago

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I would like to know what should I do If my cricket world cup 2011 tickets are lost or stolen, Can I get replacement if my cricket world cup 2011 ticket is stolen or lost




  1. No. They go, you don't get in - simple as that. My family had purchased 3 tickets for the final which all got pickpocketed whilst I was in the queue at Wankhede stadium. The Indian guards and security are useless and will not do anything to help you. Luckily I found an ICC official who was very helpful and managed to eventually get us into the stadium (after the match had started). Nevertheless, chances are if you misplace your tickets there will be no compensation for you.

  2. This will be based on the sole discretion of the ICC CWC 2011 organizers. Please ensure that you keep the tickets safely once they are in your possession.

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