
What if my mom calls me names ?

by Guest32708  |  earlier

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Im only 14, And my mother always compares me to her friend's daughter/ son. And i hate to be compared! I feel that she loves my siblings more than me. I know that i had ALOT of mistakes ive done in the past years, but come on im only 14 ? and she's like telling me that im the worst among my siblings. She could even call me names! Pig, Stupid, Dumb, No brain, Prostitute, cheap ...........

Its very hurting to hear these kind of thing especially when it comes to your own mother. ): And evrytime i talk to her about it she goes like " oh i didnt say that" or " Really what! dont do stuff like that and i will stop calling you ...." What should i do ???




  1. No parent should ever talk to their kid like that. I would talk to her in private. Try to be calm and explain to her that what she says is very hurtful. Tell her how it makes you feel. Kindly ask her to stop.

  2. Talk to your siblings about it ..

    It'll be easier to stand up to your mom if your siblings know how you're feeling and they could back you up !

    Good luck :)

  3. OK,

    The First Thing you need to do is sit her down on the couch, or some where private, Then tell her that when you call me these names, It's Really hurts me.

    and then if she doesnt believe you call her a *****

  4. bring a recorder with you next time you come down to the table or have a talk with her.

    Press RECORD and hide it in your pocket. Then, next time you confront her, you should press play on at least 3 times she called you something she shouldn't have.

    If you don't have a recorder, as soon as she calls you a name, pull out a piece of paper, write down the time, date, and the name she called you, and have both of you sign it. Then collect the pieces of papers over a week, and confront her about it. If she still doesn't do anything, go to your school counselor, and ask her if she can do anything. I know its really hard and maybe you dont trust a counselor, but I got into lots of **** in these past few years and I'm about the same age. you deserve better.

    And if she ever humiliates you in front of other people, propose a toast:

    'May all YOUR mistakes be rubbed in YOUR faces and may everyone laugh at YOU for the dumbest things'.

    Then play 'beautiful' by christina aguilera, get together some girls, walk out into the street and sing at the top of your lungs. It will help. Might be off-key, but if you mother loved you, she would love you for who you are, not for what she wants you to be.

    Hope things go better.



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