
What if my mother (who is deseased) had a insur. policy and i was the beneficary but my aunt still got d money

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I know the funeral home told me i had to sign some papers before they could bury my mother but what happen to the money. My mother told me before she passed that i was the beneficary but i think my aunt found a way to get the money. Is there a way i could still get my money or found out what really happened, because i'm clueless.




  1. What your mother told you may not have been true.  The insurance company will only pay to the named beneficiary.  Funeral homes have nothing to do with who gets insurance proceeds.

  2. Sorry for your loss & the continuing pain it is now causing.

    If the home had you sign some forms, it was so they could get paid. That is done when you dont have the cash to give them in order to pay for the funeral. They get you to sign a form to release thier portion from the insurance company. In essence, the company issues 2 checks, 1 to the home & the balance to the beneficiary.

    I dont know how much the policy was for, but it is possible that all the money went to the funeral if it was just a final expenss policy. You can ask the home the details of the funeral costs & if you are the beneficiary, the insurance company will give you details of the payout. If you are not the beneficiary, they wont answer anything.

    If you find out that you were the beneficiary & there was money to be paid to you that you did not get, it would be insurance fraud that someone else signed forms for you, as you.

  3. If your mother had life insurance when she died and if you were named as beneficiary and if you are an adult, then your aunt did not get the money.  The insurance company has not paid it to anyone.  All you have to do is find out which insurance company issued the policy.  Then you file a claim with that company.  The company's claims department will tell you how.

    If you are a minor, your legal guardian might have received the money in trust for you.  You can find that out by asking the guardian.  If you don't trust the answer, ask the insurance company.  If the company doesn't cooperate, file a claim.  They will either have to pay the claim or explain why not.

    Finding out whether there was an insurance policy and finding out which company issued it can be a puzzle.  Here is a website that has advice on how to find the policy:


  4. How old are you?

  5. It could be that the insurance policy only covered her funeral expenses.  If you know the name of the insurance company, I would call them and inquire about her policy.  Unless you are under the age of 18, I do not see how your aunt could have gotten her hands on the money.  A check would have been sent in your name and that means she would have had to forged your name on the check.  Did she have a will?  If so, I would talk to a lawyer and see what your options are.

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