
What if my rat is alone?

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i just goot a rat andi only have one do u think i shold get another 1. if i am not able to get another 1 what do u think will happen




  1. I always had two together and never had a problem.  It's cute to watch them clean each other and snuggle.  I don't believe in getting one of any animal especially if you go long hours without being home.  They get lonely too and enjoy companionship.  I have had one at a time and two at a time with a total of probably 15 rats in my life time. I'd get a rat over a hamster anyday.  I have NEVER been bitten by a rat and have had many hamsters that have bitten me. They don't like to be woken to play, it's their terms only.  Rat's have always welcomed my presence. I also fed my rats what ever we had for dinner and they lived a long long time and never got tumors that rats ususally do! Just never give them peanut butter, it almost suffocated one of mine!..Kelli

  2. stick to one because they could end up fighting and killing eachother because mine fights and one ends up bleeding alot and they HATE sharing food.

  3. A rat without companions is likely to become very depressed. I'll admit I too had a lone rat for a couple of months when her cage mate died and she does seem to prefer my company to her now 4 cage mates. However everyone I've asked has told me thats a little odd and anyone else who had theirs rats alone, it had a negative effect to their rats. Most rats will become depressed and lazy or even destructive to the toys in their cage because they're bored. Some rats will cling to their owners or even become obsessive but that's because they are so starved for attention which can't be an all too good feeling to live with. Some rats you might not notice anything wrong, but you'll notice a difference when you get them a friend. One of my dumbo girls was 5 months old when I got her and kept a lone her whole life because she kept one of her eyes closed so they assumed she didn't have one when really it was a infection that never got treated. When I put her with my 4 other girls [as she was the last one I've gotten] she acted like a kid at Christmas eager to interact with them, she jumped on them, sniffed them, and followed their tails. It was fun to watch but that just shows you how lonely she was, also as a result of being kept by herself having not control or assurance from other rats of her situation she is a overly shy and timid rat.

  4. Wow, after reading the answers for this question, I am really shocked at the lack of knowledge that pet owners have. I have had rats for more than 15 years, I am now a breeder and I can tell you that keeping just one rat is usually NOT a good idea. They are much happier in groups of two or more, and more likely to bond with you than one single rat alone. There are very rare occasions where a rat may prefer to be alone, but this doesn't happen often. Please do some research and try to make an educated decision!

  5. It is nothing short of cruel to keep rats alone. They are highly social animals and should /always/ be kept in same s*x pairs or groups. Your rat will be very lonely if it does not have a same species friend.

    Edit: I too am surprised at all the ignorant answers this got.

  6. A rat living alone will bond with you better than a rat living with a companion.  I think you should stick to one.  That way he'll always be looking towards you for friendship instead of ignoring you for one of its own kind.  In any sense, a rat living alone will not get sick and will not suffer.  You just have to make sure you play with it.

    Getting another rat may not be the best idea.  Now that he has his own cage, he might not take too well to adding another friend in.  They might fight over space and even kill each other at worst.  You would have to buy another one in a different cage and introduce them slowly to ensure that there are no problems.  It would be easier and cost less to just stick to one now.  If you're going to have two rats, then you should buy them at the same time from the same litter unless you are experienced and know what you're doing.

  7. it should be fine alone but if you want to get it a buddy you should may be a diffrent gender will get you more.

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