
What if one day u saw Samy Vellu press ur door bell and ask for malaysian food?

by  |  earlier

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what will u do




  1. Can, I will tell him lunch is cooking and will be served soon - but just watch out for my Rottweilers that are always lurking around somewhere in the house.

  2. nasi dengan kicap dan telur mata.

  3. saya x jual kari la, uncle sam....

  4. I'll give him a fine malaysian food and make him trade it with his wig.

  5. I'll give him my traditional food : BOSOU with some tapai to eat with. hehe..

  6. I will give him my mask rider kick!

  7. I'll welcome him but he better not do anything funny with me.

  8. i'll ask him where he get his hair planting job done. Maybe he can share with me on hair care tips huwahahahaha..

    he asks me for malaysian food? I will give him the lunch that i cooked, kuey teow perhaps. OR baby cereal since my son has plenty of those in the kitchen.

  9. I'll make him play with my cats and serve him popcorns after that.

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