
What if people you know saw your questions asked? ?

by  |  earlier

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I'd be pretty red.




  1. Some of my questions have been pretty detailed lol.

    That's why I always change the details. It calms my paranoia  

  2. I would be embarrassed. Hopefully it doesn't happen.

  3. my friend usually sees what i write and she answers the ?'s. but other than tht one friend it would be pretty embarassing

  4. AHAHAHA :)

    it would be funnyyy

    but then if people starting telling me  things

    i would be like


  5. haha yeah me too :p

  6. I wouldn't unless it was an ex because they wouldn't have liked the questions I asked.

  7. thats why i use my middle name....not many people know my middle name so they wouldnt know the question was mine....but if they did find out i'd be pretty embarrassed

  8. yea sometimes i think of requesting yahoo answers team to give us an option to permanently delete questions that we've already resolved. but then again who cares.  

  9. ya i know. i fear that.

  10. Depends on the questions I guess.  

  11. Well, I've asked a grand total of one question. Even then, the only person who I might have cared about if they found out already knows about the issue that I had.

    Seriously though, if I had a really personal question, I'd much rather ask one of my good (and sensible) friends than ask for opinions here.

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