
What if some one gets lots of headaches for no reason?

by  |  earlier

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these headaches are not realted to work or outside activities..they occur for no reason




  1. There could be a number of different reasons. Are you drinking enough water?? Your neck/back could be out and need to be adjusted (chiropractor), it could be something more serious (God forbid!). I suggest maybe going to the doctors. They will be a little more knowledgable then us here on yahoo ;)

  2. Wow, glad you ask this question because I have the same symptom. I get headaches every other day for no reason. The pain is not that bad but it's annoying that I can't focus. I wish I could tell you a great answer but I still need to consult with my doctor(no health insurance). If I was you, go to your doctor and they could do x-ray see what causes it. Good luck.  

  3. iu

  4. STRESS????

  5. Usually headaches are for a reason.

    There are many causes for headaches and without a check-up and personal history it would be impossible to make a diagnosis.  If the headaches are consistent or increase in intensity, it is advisable to seek immediate help.

  6. streeeessssed out

  7. upsad, stress? if it is serious and always happens, go to see a doctor at once!  

  8. Could be a food allergy or a disease...something out of routine can do it too.

    Not enough caffeine

    Too much caffeine.

    Sugar can be the same way.

    Lots of things can cause it.

    More seriously tumors...but I would guess they are a lot less likely then the things I'm posting here.

    You could be under stress and not know it. Like subconsciously.

    Many many many things can cause a headache, it's just a matter of figuring it out.

    So first take a look at your routine, if bedtimes, waking times, or eating times have changed, because that can do it right there.

    Then see what taking certain foods out of your diet does...because you could have developed an allergy to them.

    So look for some of those things.

    In fact keep a headache Diary...

    List when you get a headache...what you ate, how long it last, the intensity...maybe something out of routine you did...and look for a pattern.

    Also actually taking too many pain medications for a headache can cause if you've been taking something for your headaches for a've been causing them yourself. They are only supposed to help for the occasional headache.

  9. migraines...the exact cause of migraine remains unknown, the most widespread theory is that it is a disorder of the serotonergic control system..Migraine is a neurological syndrome characterized by altered bodily experiences, painful headaches, and nausea....this link has helpful info, but sounds like a migraine to me because my cousin has had it for several year now.

  10. Anemia is a reason for some headaches. Most cases like yours, however, is just from not eating enough iron. It's normal.

  11. needing glasses?

    wisdom teeth coming in?

  12. low blood pressure???

  13. did you hit your head at some time in the last 6-8 weeks? If so get a CT scan. If not have a look at how much water you are drinking. It can actually be related to dehydration. Many times headaches of this nature are related to diet as well. Try the water first and then start changing diet as well. Cut out coffee as well if you can. Stimulating addictive drugs like caffeine can often cause headaches.

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