
What if some one has burial insurance and the br=enificary doen't pat it?

by  |  earlier

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my brother wants to pocket the money and not pay the funeral home




  1. Once the money goes to someone, it's their money, to do whatever the heck they want to with it.  

    Whoever made the funeral arrangements will be stuck with the bill.

  2. The funeral home will file suit.  They don't work for free.

  3. Wow! What a nice brother you have. First, remind him that Karma will come back to haunt him. Then tell him to fork over the d**n money.

    Both Angie and mbrcatz are right and on top of that, the funeral home can sue any heirs for their money. So even if you weren't on the contract with the funeral home, expect them to name you in the lawsuit as well. Also, they can sue each person for 100% of what they are due and basically not care where the money is coming from. So, even if you and your brother agree to split the costs, you could end up paying 100% of it in a lawsuit.

    Just tell your brother to pay what's due or not bother showing up for the holidays.

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