
What if someone is inside the Large hadron Collider?

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ok so they are firing it up today right? LOL I bet they will see something that they have never seen before, but what if someone is inside? what will happen? Superpowers? LOL I know silly question, but I am bored and curious




  1. I think they would be electrocuted.

  2. Well, the LHC is attempting to re-create moments immediately after the Big Bang. That would be extremely high in energy and extremely high in temperature.

    It is also expected that mini-blackholes might be created, and other very exotic particles along with their decay products.

    So even if someone were to survive being inside the LHC, they would NOT live very long there after, since the radiation would have done irreparable damage.

    I don't advise getting inside the LHC.

  3. Yeah, there's a little-known experiment (apart from ATLAS, Alice, CMS, LHC-B and the rest) in an additional underground cavern between Prevasin and StGenie in France.  Volunteers are being subjected to the beam radiation in hopes of achieving superpowers.  It is hoped that with these superpowers, they will be able to contain the black holes and strangelets that will be created throughout the rest of the experiment, so the earth won't be destroyed.

    Have a star for giving me something to add to my stock answer to people who ask stupid questions about LHC and black holes.  At least your stupid question was amusing.

    The experiment is called SUPER--suckers under prevasin exposed to radiation

  4. The inside is a vacuum.  If you have super powers, one of them has to be not needing air to breath.  It would also be awfully cold and dark, so bring some thermals.

  5. The beam pipe contains a vacuum, so they would suffocate as the air was pumped out.  If somehow they managed not to suffocate, the particle beam would slice through their body by vaporizing a path through it in the same way that a high power laser beam slices through something.  If they were inside a detector, the detector would pick up a lot of activity from the particles hitting the person.

  6. I'm willing to bet they would die. If not due to the radiation, then at least due to the enormous forces behind the activation of the LHC.

  7. They would die. The LHC is a particle accelerator and in order to stop the particles bumping into air molecules and slowing down the whole system is under vacuum.

    If they were unlucky enough to be in it as it was being pumped down you would suffocate as the air was being pumped out.  

  8. Uhh.  I just read that the full-scale start-up isn't until September.  I thought the world was going to end this weekend.  Now I have to work on my dissertation for another month!!

    Anyway, to answer your question, they've built in a special alarm, complete with flashing lights, to signal if anybody is stuck inside.  And the door has a handle on the inside anyway.

  9. I nominate Paris Hilton, she's perfect for this experiment!

    Let me call her, be right back.

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