
What if someone reverts but goes on living life as they did before?

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If someone who sincerely believes in Islam says shahadah but doesnt make any changes (ie continues to drink, doesnt make salat, doesnt read the Qu'ran) are they still considered Muslim? Does the Qu'ran say anything about ppl who do this?

this is a hypothetical question!!!




  1. well the main proble with islam is that people interpret the meaning the way they want too some are too libral and some are too conservatives..but the thing is that only Allah can decide who is a real muslim!!!

    we can not judge such matters..

    so no one can really answer your have to read the quran and interpret it yourself..

  2. there was a group of arabs in the days af the prophet who said converted to islam but kept doing the same things they did , so this aya was revealed

    49 (Alhujraat) : 14-15

    translation is : {The desert Arabs, say "We believe." Say "Ye have no faith; but ye (only) say `We have submitted our wills to Allah.' for not yet has Faith entered your hearts. But if ye obey Allah and His Messenger, He will not belittle aught oft your deeds: for Allah is Oft-Forgiving Most Merciful." (14) Only those are Believers who have believed in Allah and His Messenger and have never since doubted but have striven with their belongings and their persons in the Cause of Allah: Such are the sincere ones. (15)}

    he is considered a muslim as long as he believes in the principle of ( there is no god but god and mohammad is his messenger )

    but bad deeds spoils the heart and eventually he has to repent because no deeds goes unpunished

    i used to drink and have s*x out of marriage and do a lot of bad things , and i was considered a muslim , and now thank god i repented everything bad i used to do and not intending to go back

  3. if someone accepts Islam as it is and as it was meant to be and says he is Muslim then nobody can say he is not.

    practicing is different, we cant just call every sinner non-muslim.

    whatever a person does as far as religious practices is strictly between the person and God.

  4. well if he deny any thing in belief then he is no longer muslim

    but if he like you mentioned he is just sinner and i belief even if they die on this statue they will get punishments till they are purified then they enter paradise (they will not punished eternally)

    peace be upon you

  5. What's the definition of a Muslim?

  6. In order to be a Muslim!! a person should follow the rule of Islam,

    a person should do what's halal, and stay away from haram.

    yes, that person is muslim but a sinner one.

  7. Then you would be a muslim "by name"

  8. I'm not going to judge them. I'm not perfect by any stretch! I am a revert, but I don't wear the hijab, and I sometimes miss my prayers too. And I tend to fight a lot with people, which isn't nice either. So how am I any better than someone who also falls short? We all fall short. Only Allah can judge.

  9. Well once you say the shahadah and truly believe/accept it than you are a Muslim.

    Faith is like a rollarcoaster sometimes your iman[faith] is at its highest and sometimes it's not. Make sincere tawbah[repentance] to Allah and try to stop ur bad ways. Ask allah to guide you, try and pray all ur prayers on time, read/listen to the Quran etc.. Ask yourself if you want to be a better muslim and if you do-inshallah you will be able to become a better muslim.

    Also spending time at the mosque or hanging out with PRACTICING muslims will help you! Good Luck


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