
What if someone told you this what would u say?

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i have a sister and brother in law who are very cheap people. they smooch off of everyone. and they always expect us to pay for things. one time they didnt want to pay us back until i made it be known that were waiting to be paid. i like my sister in law but is this normal behavior from a family member when they do this to u? she told me today that shes unsure if she can make it to my babys first bday cuz they have money to come down here but no for her gift. my brother in law is even cheap with his wife he'll buy food for himself and eat it and not buy or even offer any to her. there nice to us in person but at times they expect us to pay for them when were out places. and i dont understand if they like us or not. how should i handle this me and her were good friends until i started seeing this from them?




  1. My sister is like this also, my best advice about the birthday party would be to still let her come but not mooch off of you. You still do not want to deny the opportunity of them being part of your children's lives. In the future don't give them money, if they really need it trust me they will find it. But they are still family and its best to continue loving them even if you don't agree with their habits.  

  2. Your relatives are jerks.

    Make a change, get away from them, tell them to get away from you, and start over with a clean slate somewhere else. Do not take up their heritage, make your own history.

  3. Im not sure what to say to this. but i have had 2 close close friends that me and my fiancee where always hanging out with and they did the same exact thing. It got to the point that we were fed up and made it clear that we wernt going to pay for them anymore and that they shouldn't assume that we were. Well with saying that, we started not hanging out as much and they ended up hanging out with another couple that they mooched off of. Finally they ended up being known in our social group as moochers. They ended up both getting bad reputations and there relationship went down the tube. So not sure if that gives you any help but it sure helped me and my fiancee to save more money that we didnt need to be spending on other people and a lot of stress went away that was spent on two people that sure didnt deserve our time of day.

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