
What if that quiet kid you barely knew at school killed himself in class? How would you react and feel?

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What if that quiet kid you barely knew at school killed himself in class? How would you react and feel?




  1. If you need help because you are contemplating suicide you have come to the wrong place.  You could turn to your pastor, suicide hot-lines, or school counselor.  

    A suicide like that is the ultimate act of self pity and self indulgence.  If people don't care that you are alive, they aren't going to care that you are dead.  

    Get involved in school, join some team or the band or something.  Give yourself a chance, give your classmates a chance.  

  2. I would probably be very scared. the sight of blood makes me naseous and I couldn't imagine seeing someone die.

    I would probably just start praying.  

  3. First I'd think "Oh ****! Did he just kill himself ??!!" Then I'd be completely traumatised ( I detest violence). In the back of my mind I'd think "I knew something like this would happen" then I guess I'd feel kind of guilty that I never reached out to him.

  4. horrible, because I was probably part of the problem--that I never talked to him, never gave him a try. It would be extremely painful for me, and I'd probably never forgive myself.  

  5. i would feel relly bad i would cry even if he was desabild i would cry wose why did this happen to u?????

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