
What if the 'End Times' is not as bad as people think it's going to be?

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In my opinion, the world as we know it today, is going to end when there is no more war, starvation, or disease. What if this happened instead of the theory of an Anti-Christ or "Rapture" or the day of Judgement?




  1. the  end times will be so much worse than we can possibly imagine. it will be just as God said in Revelations

  2. Well, lots of people seem to be looking forward to the horrible destruction of all of us. You're really going to let them down... lol

  3. I don't understand why people worry so much about the ending of the entire world. They should worry about the certainty of their own, personal world ending. They should live their lives at the fullest and if possible, help anyone they could live as happily as they are.

    "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the  law,  love under will." (Aleister Crowley)

    Edit: To Franhu. It's clear you don't know what you're talking about. It is unknown if the Rapture will take place sometimes prior (pre-trib) to the Tribulation, mid-way (mid-trib) through the Tribulation or after (post-trib) the Tribulation, when Christ comes to earth to establish His kingdom, the Kingdom of God. A fourth view has recently developed, called the Pre-Wrath view.

    And where have you read that it will 1000 times worse than when? Don't let your mouth talk if you are not sure about what you're saying.

    Also, at every age, the people thought they're living the final days. They started a mass hysteria. How do you know you're right? Don't worry about the end, worry about your everyday life. Thanks.

  4. The "end times" tribulation will be 1000 times worse that anything ever experienced.

    And we all (Including Christians) will go through it before Jesus returns (rapture)

    What you are saying is just another distraction from Satan, the father of lies!



  5. It isn't as bad as religious nuts think it will be since it won't happen.

  6. IT WILL BE EVEN WORSE!!!!!!!!!!!

    Google in the green bar the word "rapture" to find the links FOR A MINDBLOWING VIDEO WHEN PPL ARE TAKEN AND THE ONES LEFT ARENT PLEASED..

  7. well, that would be great, wouldn't it!  It would just suck if Christians called that the End Times of the Bible since such a pleasant scenario does not match what is described as the End Times in the Bible.

    I happen to think that our Western civilization is on the brink of moving into such a pleasant "End Time," in which community is more important than personal gain and in which we work together to truly solve the world's problems and advance ourselves as peaceful, helpful, conscientious citizens of the universe.  In my fantasies Jesus and God have no place in such an enlightened and happy future, since thus far they have caused nothing but strife.  But we'll see whether I'm right in a few generations, won't we?

  8. You have to go on the word. Check our teaching on myspace blogs below. You have to scroll down a ways to get blog on rapture.

  9. What if?  Nothing.

    What happens, happens.

  10. everyone will endure their own end times whether they like it or not. There is no Utopia, sorry

  11. Either you believe what the Bible states about the End Times, or you don't.  If you're a Christian who has read the Bible, it's an inescapable truth that the last seven years before Christ's return will be extremely bad.

  12. The Bible says at 1 Thessalonians 5:3 that when everyone says peace and secuurity sudden destruction will instantly come upon them.

    So, yes we will feel like we've achieved peace and solved all the world's problems on our own. But, we can't govern ourselves without God's help. We've proven that ourselves. So he's coming to fix it.

    1 Thessalonians 5:2 says God's Day is coming as a thief in the night. So it is coming there's nothing we can do about it.

  13. Believe it or not, things will appear to get better, then go down hill at an accelerated rate. Then, at the height of the really "bad" times, Christ will come again.  We are in the end times now, but we haven't entered into the really "bad" part of it yet.  We are still supposed to have peace in the middle east for 7 years before things get worse then ever.

  14. well we already have a lot of anti-christ walking around and if the rapture and the day of judgement doesnt happen, that means the bible is not lined up with the word.

  15. This is nothing compared to what's coming. My advice is, open your hearts to God and be saved from it

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