
What if the Montreal Screwjob was reversed?

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and HBK was screwed. How diffrent would it be?




  1. HBK getting screwed... prob. nothing that meant nothing really, he was just wrestling and it would have been just another match gone sour for him and who knows maybe seeking revenge. Oh and Yes Bret would be the champ of the ring of WWE  

  2. Bret would never have gone to WCW and put on the shelf by goldberg's F**K up and would still be wrestling today

  3. it's on

  4. It would have been exactly the same except Bret Hart would still wrestle and Shawn would have a dead brother and be retired

  5. dunno answer;...

  6. HBK would've gone to WCW instead of Bret going to WCW. And some of things that have happend in HBK's life maybe would've not happend. =]

  7. hbk would have wen to wcw

  8. hbk would have stayed because the situation wasnt as bad for him because i mean bret was screwed in his own town and ocuntry and he was champion if hbk wasnt champ but lost in montreal to screjob its not the same, bret and shawn would still be fighting  

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